Palestine’s Peace Bomb One of the key arguments of Israel's "peace camp" is that, without a two-state solution, the state faces a "demographic time-bomb." The contention is that perpetuating Israeli control over the growing Arab population of...

‘Western Countries Are Funding the Incubators of Terrorism’ MK Yoni Chetboun (Jewish Home) called a special meeting with over 40 diplomats from dozens of countries Monday to present the hard facts on how Western funds are being used in Palestinian Arab schools...

BDS and the Oscars: How Screenwriter Ben Hecht Defied an Anti-Israel Boycott Hollywood screenwriter Ben Hecht said he “beamed with pride” when he heard the news on that autumn afternoon in 1948: The British had declared a boycott against him. By day, Hecht was the highest-paid...

The Questions No One Asks The Palestinians aspire to control all the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, not only those holy to Islam, but those holy to Christianity and Judaism as well. They understand that they...

Who is a Refugee? As the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks stagger toward their likely collapse, it is worth scrutinizing the most intractable issue: the claimed right of return for Palestinian refugees to their abandoned homeland in what is now...

Missiles issue addressed

Question:From: Dr. Aaron Lerner Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:07 PMTo: Crispian Balmer. Reuters Bureau Chief, Israel and Palestinian TerritoriesSubject: Has Hamas been asked about disposition of missiles after unification ?Greetings I saw your interview...

Erakat’s “Palestinian victims” are dead Palestinian terrorists "Cold-Blooded Murder" or a War on Terror?Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. HaleviJerusalem Issue Briefs Vol. 14, No. 18 June 9, 2014 -Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, claims that all the Palestinian "victims" since the...

Despite Accord, Hamas Still Rules Gaza

Despite a Palestinian unity government, Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip. Palestinian sources said Hamas has maintained its military and security forces despite the introduction of Palestinian Authority security officers in the Gaza...

UN Report: Most Gazan civilians injured chose to ignore Israeli UN Report: Most Gazan civilians injured chose to ignore Israeli warnings "...In most cases, prior to the attacks, residents have been warned to leave, either via phone calls by the Israel military or by the...

The Role of the Palestinian Authority in Israel’s Election Results

Those around the world who are upset with Prime Minister's Benjamin Netanyahu electoral victory over the Zionist Camp party should put much of the responsibility for Israel's rightward turn squarely where it belongs: on...