In an Emergency Government, We’ll Sit With Haredim

Shinui Chairman MK Tommy Lapid will meet with Labor Party Chairman Amram Mitzna, who phoned him yesterday and asked to speak to him about the election results. Lapid said at the opening of the...

Abu Mazen: More Radical Than Arafat

According to Yossi Beilin (Yediot Aharonot, March 11), the political "pragmatist" Abu Mazen, who "declares everywhere that he has foregone his dream of returning to his birthplace Safed," offers the last chance for a...

PM Ariel Sharon: What is Going on Inside of Him?

After the bus bombing at the Pat-Gilo intersection, in June 2002, in Sharon's previous term of office, he deviated from his usual custom and came to the site of the incident. They showed him...

A Blast Kills 2 Mothers, and Bewilders 2 Sons

The two elderly Israeli women, Elsa Cohen, 70, and Bianca Shachrur, 63, had so much in common. Both were born in Europe, survived World War II and came to Israel as adults, just a year...

Temple Mount Wall Collapses

One side of a wall in the Temple Mount compound - completely visible to Western Wall worshippers - collapsed on Tuesday, uncovering an area of some 40 square meters of dirt and fill. One side...

Some Questions That Journalists Might Ask About the Geneva Initiative

Issues Regarding Security Why is it that while Israel would be required to start withdrawals immediately , there is no time element associated with disbanding PLO terrorist infrastructure-"irregular forces or armed bands" ? The Initiative will...

Ex-NSA op asks Congress to Probe Arafat Murders

A former National Security Agency intelligence analyst in the Middle East is formally petitioning Rep. Henry Hyde and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to investigate the disappearance of recordings made by the NSA of...

Is the U.S. Restraining Israel From Carrying out a Preemptive Strike on Iran?

On August 15th, The Revolutionary Brigades of the Iranian Army held a military parade in which they displayed the Shaab 3 missile that Israeli intelligence experts estimate has a range of 1300 kilometers, that...

Half of Released Terrorists Return to Terror

With an Israeli government ministerial committee set to decide which Palestinian terrorists to free as a gesture to Abu Mazen, a new study shows that half of released Arab terrorists return to commit acts...

“Generic” Complaint that Can be Filed Against the U.S. State Department for Coercing Jews...

(This "generic letter" can be used as the basis for anyone who would like to make claim against the U.S. State Department in the matter of American support for the policies of Ariel Sharon...