Nasrallah Declares Open War on U.S.

Hizballah officially declared an open-ended war on the United States last night during a formal pre-recorded speech of its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who said Israel was little more than a pawn in the...

Secretary Rice on CNN’s Larry King Live: Hezbollah human shields “very difficult to deal...

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thanks for joining us. We're getting reports that the United States hopes to have a deal on a U.N. resolution ending the Middle East violence and that deal should come through...

Advisory: Olmert Gave No Apology for Surrender Policy

On Tuesday, August 1st, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made a statement to the AP that he would continue his planned policy to extricate Jewish communities from Judea and Samaria and also work towards establishing...

The Reaction of a Bereaved Parent of a Fallen Soldier to Olmert’s Plan for...

On Wednesday night, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told AP: "...I genuinely believe that the determination that Israel manifests and the power that we project and the outcome of these operations both in the south...

Olmert Administration Must Make Choice Between Lives of Human Shields and Israelis

There are many issues raised or clarified by the war in Lebanon that can wait. Whether one accepts Prime Minister Olmert's dubious claim that a victory in Lebanon would for some reason serve to insure...

Human Rights Watch:

"Hezbollah's attacks in Israel on Sunday and Monday were at best indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas, at worst the deliberate targeting of civilians. Either way, they were serious violations of international humanitarian law and...

Michael Levine, of Philadelphia, who fell in battle with Hizbullah

A fellow Philadelphian, Michael Levine ( first sergeant in paratroopers brigade) was killed in battle in Lebanon last night, one of three Israeli troops die in close combat with the Hizbullah. He was 22...

Israel The Liberator

Until Israel defines its objective as final victory, Islam will not leave it alone. But we don't need to bomb the whole pyramid of jihad to smithereens. We need to pull out the cornerstones...

Netanyahu: Israel Must Finish the Job

NewsMax senior correspondent and Middle East expert Kenneth R. Timmerman is in Israel reporting on the conflict there. Timmerman reports from Kiryat Shemona in this exclusive interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Former...

Hezbollah’s War

"Here is the president of terror," proclaims a Hizballah propaganda film montage on Al-Manar television, showing the face of President Bush alongside an American flag. As faces of dead and wounded children appear on...