Letter of Complaint Filed Against the Americans for Peace Now

June 5, 2003 Commissioner Mark W. Everson Internal Revenue Service Washington, DC 20224 202-622-4115 RE: Request for injunction and investigation against Americans for Peace Now for illegally utilizing U.S. charitable contributions for matters of Israeli politics, violation of Internal...

Why does the Israeli consulate in San Francisco promote Yossi Beilin?

Dr. Yossi Beilin currently holds no public office in Israel. He holds no seat in the Israeli Knesset. Indeed, Beilin handily lost his bid for re-election in the Labor Party primaries last year, and...

Slurring Israel: A Critique of the Annual US Human Rights Report on Israel

Ever since the days when the Carter administration required that the U.S. oversee human rights policies and practices that remain an integral part of the policies of all nations abroad, the U.S. State Department...

A Black Cloud Over Humanity, Israel and the Jewish People

Every April, the walls of the Armenian Quarter, which lead to the Jewish Quarter in the Old City in Jerusalem, are plastered with posters, reminding the people of Israel of the Armenian genocide. Throughout...

Israel Upset By Reports of Bashing at Palestinian Refugee Conference

Israel expressed its disappointment on Monday over its exclusion from an international conference on Palestinian refugees and over reports that the conference was used as a platform for Israel-bashing. The two-day conference, held in Geneva,...

How Sharon Can Implement His Plan Without Knesset Approval or Israel Finance Ministry Funding

Giora Eiland, head of the Israel National Security Council, working directly under the authority invested in him by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,informed the foreign media on June 20th, 2004 that Arik Sharon cannot...

A Tale of Two Incitements

25,000 religious Israeli citizens gathered on Saturday night, September 11th in the public square of a major city in Israel chanting slogans that called for the death of Israel's police minister and for the...

Israel’s Planned Expulsion of its Citizens From Their Homes Constitutes a Violation of International...

Law professor warns that Israel's planned expulsion of its citizens from their homes would violate international law which protects human rights and civil liberties. Eliav Schochetman, Hebrew Professor of Law Emeritus and Dean of the...

PBC Radio Describes Death of an Infiltrator as “Having Died a Heroic Death”

Muhammad Abbas's firing of three Gaza security officials has been seen by Western observers as one of several steps by Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen to show he is fighting violence and calls to violence,...

Talking Peace and Executing Those Who Cooperate With Israel

Israel believed that Abu Mazen's election marked a new attitude in the Palestinian Authority towards human rights, but it appears that with regard to those who cooperate with Israel, the attitude is the same...