Israel Sees PA Committed To Uprising

Israel's intelligence community has determined that the Palestinian Authority was committed to another revolt in the West Bank. The open-source arm of the intelligence community asserted that the PA decided to wage what was termed...

WARNING! President Obama May Be Writing Your Rabbi’s High Holiday Sermon For those of you who have never been to a synagogue during the High Holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur it can be quite the event. The services have much ritual and tradition...

President Obama’s Shift on Syria and Western Strategy Vol. 13, No. 24 1 September 2013 The Syrian regime is far weaker than most observers think. Rebel forces are continuing to gain momentum in all districts. The regime’s dire situation is manifested in its...

Vive la Freeze!,0 Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman is back in Geneva, making another go at an interim agreement between Iran and the so-called E3/EU+3. (That's "E3" as in three European countries: Britain,...

Are the P5+1 Waging a Campaign against the Military Option? Since the signing of the Geneva agreement, the P5+1 leaders, especially President Obama, have made numerous statements that challenge the very idea of a military option against Iran as a realistic option. Evidenced by...

As both sides wait for Kerry, the refugee camps boil The explosion Sunday on a bus in Bat Yam didn’t come as a surprise; far from it. The territories are generally heating up, with the feeling that the political process is going nowhere, the expanded...

The ‘refugee’ diversion Words play a central role in the conflict with the Palestinians. They influence the way we perceive it, as well as the probability of finding a solution. That is why it is strange that...

The house of the hill – in Brussels and in Ramallah

Why has Europe begun to question its role in the Palestinian financial system? A recent diplomatic conference highlighted the problems of the Palestinian economy; strikes, corruption, high unemployment, and more. The event was hosted...

Ending illusion of peace-seeking Abbas,7340,L-4512842,00.html Mahmoud Abbas ' decision to join forces with the Hamas terror organization, whether it happens or not, is nothing other than a slap in the face of anyone who saw him as a "partner,"...

Arab Spring Indeed? The upheaval in the Arab world, which began in Tunisia, spread into Egypt, Yemen and Libya and reached Syria in mid-March 2011, has dramatically shaken and transformed the Middle East. The sequence of events...