Why Israel is shifting eastward

Slowly but surely Israel is pivoting toward the East. Years ago that would have been a most unexpected development. After all, most of Israel’s population originated from Europe, and most of its leadership had...

ISIS: A Risk Assessment

http://www.inss.org.il/index.aspx?id=4538&articleid=7116 Recent events in Iraq are liable to give new impetus to the ideas and the path that ISIS represents, which are shared by many terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East and beyond. Its...


There are many people in Israel who feel like these past two weeks have been the longest two weeks in their lives. Since the moment the abduction became public knowledge, the tension is palpable....

How Hillary Clinton Enabled Hamas’ Construction of Terror Tunnels

http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/08/17/how-hillary-clinton-enabled-hamas-construction-of-terror-tunnels/ Much has been said and written about the terror tunnels that Hamas built in Gaza. But too little has been said about who it was that put the cement into Hamas’ hands, thus making...

Israel is nothing short of a miracle

Ever since the Israelites made their way out of Egypt, the Jews have tended to complain, and we always will -- but let us take a look at the numbers • Where were we...

Israel Rejects as ‘False’ UJA Federation’s Claims about Israel Parade ‘Inclusion’

PLEASE SEE AN UPDATE BENEATH THIS ARTICLE This year’s New York City Celebrate Israel Parade is this Sunday, May 31, and the behind-the-scenes squabbling is reaching a fevered pitch. The fight centers on whether it is more...

This Week: A Jewish Grassroots Response to the Delegitimization War Against Israel

Preface: What’s Going On and Why It’s Not New There’s an op-ed in this morning’s Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer. “At Holy Site,Centuries of Co-Existence.”  (Inq, Sun,4/30/17, C5).  The precarious Holy Land co-existence of which it writes...

Rattling Israel’s BBC tormentors

A reliable sign that someone has managed to puncture one of the BBC’s doctrinal falsehoods is when an interviewer is sufficiently rattled to keep interrupting that individual by intoning the same false accusation that...

The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

srael will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence. Around the same time, Palestinians will stage their annual Nakba Day, the official commemoration held every year on May 15 to protest Israel’s creation....

Foreign Min. offers Rabbi Leo Dee position of special envoy to world Jewry

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen proposed that Rabbi Leo Dee, whose wife and two daughters were murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists during Passover, be named Israel's special envoy to Diaspora Jewish communities. According to the report...