Donor Charts

DONOR CHARTS 2022 List of 2022 Pledges by All Donors Overall, Donor Ranking Top 20 donors, Overall Ranking Governments and EU Pledges, Overall Ranking Programme Budget, All Donor Ranking Top 20 Donors, 2022 Programme Budget ...

UNRWA: Teaching Palestinian Children to Murder Jews

David Bedein, head of the Center for Near East Policy Research, has been investigating the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for decades. He discovered that international funding (including from the US) has been...

Detained Sde Teiman soldiers describe incident

On July 31, Honenu Attorneys Nati Rom and Adi Keidar, who are representing three of the soldiers from the Sde Teiman Military Base who were detained on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist, revealed the...

Minister Sharon, MKs Yahalom & Eitan, Levran

All interviews were carried out in Hebrew on 1st June. All appear in their entirety. Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon IMRA: Is the Netanyahu Government developing today its opening position for the negotiations with the Palestinians...

Towards an Arab Comprehensive Strategy For Peace

If one reviews the peace process since its launching after the U.S. aggression against Iraq in which the Syrian regime participated, s/he will realize why the Syrians looked for a peace settlement with the...

Current CNN Middle East Coverage: When Skewed Language Distorts Reporting

As a retired Research Associate at the "Harry S Truman, Institute for Research into the Advancement of Peace", of The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, I would like to provide the following short comment on the...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 18th

Summary and Analysis Perhaps because the Palestinian Authority has some internal divisions about contacts with Israel, VOP has been largely downplaying this subject. One point was stressed however: Yasser Arafat himself was quoted as denying...

Official Palestinian Authority Radio: The Voice of Palestine – Dec. 21/22

Summary and Analysis There is a subtle but definite change in VOP coverage of the American- Palestinian-Israeli talks in Bolling Base in Washington. Although the reporting is very low-key, and although the PA repudiates reports...

Official PA Radio News: Voice of Palestine January 1, 2001

Summary and Analysis VOP ended its holiday schedule following the month of Ramadan and the Festival of the Feast ('Eid al-Fitr), but it entered into the day of the 36th anniversary of the founding of...