(video footage available from the Center for Near East Policy Research. ) "Our rifles, all our rifles are aimed at The Occupation," declared Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas today (January 11) in a major...

Commentary: Abbas’s Assurances to Olmert…

Well... yesterday we were told that during their meeting Abbas assured Olmert that the release of Shalit was imminent, and that he would be working to try to make it happen before the unity...

Fatah Thretens Jews Outside of Israel

A senior source in Israeli intelligence reports that the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah organization chaired by Mahmoud Abbas, has threatened to target Jewish institutions outside of Israel. The threat...

Palestinian Authority (PA) Cheerleading Increasing Terror Attacks

Palestinian terrorists staged a massive series of rocket and mortar attacks along Israel's southern border in an apparent attempt to abduct another Israeli soldier, and Israeli army officers renewed their calls for a major...

Israel Embrace Of Terror Organization May Cost Congressional Support For Jewish State

The Fatah organization, the mainstream body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), was launched in 1964 by the Arab League with one purpose in mind: To foment rebellion of Palestinian Arabs against the state...

Bush To Make Visit To Israel

It was announced last night that United States President George W. Bush will make his first official visit - while in office - to Israel and the Palestinian Authority in January. This visit will be...

Incisive Commentary

December 6, 2007 "Stumbling Blocks" Here we have, as if they were needed, more reasons why negotiating with the PA is impossible: The Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council has passed a law (first reading) saying that any concession...

If ‘Never Again’ is to be a pledge

Collective memories are usually celebratory, focusing on elements of the past that a society is most proud of. This is unfortunate. After all, societies stand to learn as much from their failures as from...

Israel: Where Justice is a Game

Manhigut Yehudit: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE----PRESS RELEASE----FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Moshe Feiglin Co-Founder & President Contact: Tova Abady, Media Spokesperson (917) 301-0997 (cell phone) Shmuel Sackett Co-Founder & International Director Clouds of corruption - coupled with a lack...

Canada – A Step Away From Holocaust Task Force

While largely symbolic, the move will allow Canada to share the way its different jurisdictions teach students about the Holocaust, and take away lessons learned from the task force's 25 other member countries. When Jewish...