PA-Sponsored Eighth International Conference for Popular Resistance Held in Bil’in to Discuss Broadening It...

1. The popular resistance is the central strategy used by the Palestinians on the ground and integrated into the political, economic, propaganda and legal campaigns currently being waged against Israel by the PA. The...

Painful Anatomical Symptoms For those Yiddishly challenged this translates as a pain in the posterior. No doubt the diplomatic fraternity will be frantically trying to play this latest revelation down and bury it under the proverbial carpet...

THE TRUTH OF SATIRE There is a wickedly funny and enormously sad piece of satire making the rounds about a “Lithuanian” charedi father attempting to explain to his inquisitive child the story of the Hasmoneans and their triumph...

Israel: Iran Forges Latin American Terror Network to Target US Iran has developed a terrorist infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere to target local Jews and gain the capability of attacking the United States, according to Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. Yaalon warned that Tehran, which...

The Long Shadow of the Guards This week saw further clashes between the two rival power centers vying for influence over Iranian foreign and domestic policy. In one corner stands a faction dedicated to rehabilitating Iran’s international standing, epitomized by...

Has Kerry Heard of the Palestinians’ “Hitler”? Abbas, it seems, has lost control not only over the Gaza Strip, but also his Fatah faction. The widespread support for "Hitler" reflects the state of dissatisfaction with Abbas and his top aides....

Secret Palestinian report warns of danger of new intifada,7340,L-4472326,00.html A secret report by one of the Palestinian security services - obtained by Ynet - paints a worrying picture of a possible explosion in terror in the West Bank in the coming year. The...

As Kerry meets with Netanyahu Israel reveals Palestinian cop behind terror attack Shin Bet, IDF, police detain 14 men, including Palestinian policeman, suspected of involvement in last week's explosion on bus in Bat Yam. Sami Harimi went to pray in mosque in Jaffa, then boarded bus,...

Israel Cites ‘Lone Wolf’ Ops

Israel's intelligence community has warned of the increasing presence of non-aligned insurgents. The Israel Security Agency has determined that the so-called "lone wolf" attacker has become an increasing threat to the Jewish state. ISA said...

Baird Decries Setback Between Israelis and Palestinians Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement: “Canada is disappointed and concerned by today’s announcement regarding a potential Palestinian unity government. “Canada has long stated that we will deal only with a Palestinian...