Fatah said to be Main Impetus for Suicide Bombings

The ruling Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is said to be the leading force behind efforts to resume suicide bombings against Israel. Israeli security sources said the Fatah movement has been...

Executive Summary: Education, Indoctrination and Incitement…

Other credentials of Dr. Burdman: Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatrists and Neurologists Diplomate of the American Board of Pathologists Research Associate (prior), at the Harry S.Truman Institute for Research into the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew...

Anatomy of US Embassy Response to Official PA Policy

Preface Throughout the day on Thursday, January 29th, 2004, the PLO's mainstream Fateh celebrated the fact that it had taken credit for murdering a dozen Jews and maiming another 40 Jews in Jerusalem. As the...

A Review of:”The Oslo War: A Tale of Self-Delusion” by Dr Efraim Karsh

BESA BULLETIN,October 2003, No.16 Quote from Text: "Peres: 'We close our eyes. We don't criticize because, for peace, we must produce a partnere.' " Full Text: The ongoing Palestinian war of terror is a direct and inevitable consequence...

U.S. Diplomat Equates Stopping Settlement Activity with Stopping Terrorism

() - A senior U.S. Middle East diplomat said on Monday Israel "must stop" building settlements and told Palestinian leaders to rein in militant attacks to revive a U.S.-backed peace plan based on two...

Is Hamas Preparing to Inherit The Palestinian Authority?

There is growing evidence that Fatah, the Palestinian faction that today dominates the PLO, may not remain the power center of Palestinian politics in the post-Arafat era. Hamas is preparing itself to inherit the...

An Examination of Public Statements to Dismantle Hamas or Only to Restrain its “Military...

This report carefully documents the public State Dept. position vs. the public White House position regarding the "rehabilitation" of Hamas, which could hardly be more different. With the same consistency that Boucher and Ereli...

European Union Support for the Palestinian Authority against Israel is part of Europe’s “hidden...

European Union support for the Palestinian Authority against Israel is part of Europe's "hidden war" against the United States to become a world superpower, a European parliamentarian said in Jerusalem this week. Washington has often...

Arafat Aides Come Under Threat

For the first time since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority nearly a decade ago, aides to chairman Yasser Arafat have come under repeated attack. Palestinian sources said several aides of Arafat as well as...

Palestinian NGOs Reject Antiterrorism Pledge

Palestinian nongovernmental organizations are refusing to sign a US-sponsored commitment stating they will not transfer funds to individuals or groups that engage in terrorism. The organizations said Saturday they are planning a popular campaign in...