Drone strikes in Ukraine should be cause for concern in Israel

The problem with the drones that Iran is supplying Russia is not that they are significantly improving the military achievements of Vladimir Putin's army on the various battle fronts in Ukraine. The cameras installed...

From Hitler to Putin: Palestinian habit of always backing ‘wrong side’

When it comes to major international conflicts throughout history, the Palestinian leadership has often, if not always, chosen to support "the wrong side." From Adolf Hitler to Saddam Hussein, and now Russian President Vladimir...

Hitler truck display at UC Berkeley alarms Jews in campus community

Aprovocative ad campaign against antisemitism that used a digital image of Hitler raising his right arm concerned many at UC Berkeley this week and disturbed members of the Jewish community, according to the campus...

What We Know About Shooting of Palestinian Doctor This Morning

Today, a palestinian Arab doctor was reportedly among those killed during a shootout between IDF troops and palestinian Arab terrorists in Jenin. Other reports have him as seriously injured. Either way, the haters are already...

A very unpopular truth about Israel

We've all heard about what's taking place in Iran, where young women are pushing back against the regime that is punishing them for not wearing proper head-coverings. Is that the only way to run a...

Observation: Efficacy of Lebanon Deal Question For Lawyers Not Defense

Content preview: Observation: Efficacy of Lebanon Deal Question For Lawyers Not Defense Experts Dr. Aaron Lerner 11 October 2022 The efficacy of the Lebanon deal, in particular the status of the swath of area off our...

Israel and the US face elections on November 1 and November 8 respectively. Both...

1.The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by  IDF under the direction of the US to fight Arab terrorists, now carry out daily attacks by PSF elite unit known as Al Aqsa Brigades. Yet US...

Former lone soldier David Morel seriously injured in Shuafat terror attack

Civilian security guard David Morel, who was seriously injured in the Shuafat terror attack on Saturday evening, remains in a serious and unstable condition, Hadassah University Medical Center said in an update on Tuesday morning. 30-year-old...

A nechtiker tog

This exquisite Yiddish expression loosely translated means “whom are you trying to fool?” After two thousand years of being abused, kicked around, targeted, slandered and accused of a myriad array of theological and political crimes, one...

Coalition for unrwa education policy change

The time has come to launch a coalition for Unrwa Education Policy Change, with initiators from Israel, Germany, Sweden, the UK, Canada, US and Australia, all major funders of UNRWAthe United Nations Relief and...