The Double Entendre of Abu Mazen

Abu Mazen was careful in the wording of his commitments during the PLC meeting of April 29, 2003. The text of Abu Mazen's speech to the PLC at shows that all he says is...

Saddam’s “Successor” Made Secret Visit to Israel

On Tuesday afternoon, in a dramatic interruption of the news, Al Jazeera broadcast a panicky item from Baghdad on the arrest of Ahmed Chalabi, president of the umbrella organization of Iraqi exiles. "Chalabi, the...

No PLO Recognition of the State of Israel

Last December, shortly before the wording of the road map that has now been published was finalized, I spoke with an American who was one of the architects of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations under President...

The Road Map: What do we know about it?

Introduction All the following citations are derived directly from the Third (and to the best of our knowledge the most recent) Draft of the Road Map, formulated by the four powers known as "the Quartet"...

Recipe for Terror: A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

Palestinian Constitution Calls for Islamic State, Report Says

Jerusalem ( - The new Palestinian Constitution calls for a state under Islamic law and not a democratic state with human rights or civil liberties, according to a report in an Israeli newspaper. The constitution...

Right Of Return Clause in Palestinian Constitution May Kill Talks

In a move that could scuttle renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts now that the war in Iraq is over, the Palestinians have included in their new constitution their right to return to homes they fled...

Islam as State Religion, No Juridical Rights for Other Religions, Guarantee for the Right...

This week, a senior foreign diplomat provided Israel Resource News Agency with the finalized Arabic version of the Palestinian State Constitution which has been framed by the official constitutional committee of the Palestinian National...

Discrepancies Between the Arabic and English Versions of the Palestine State Constitution

The Palestinian State constitution has gone through at least three drafts in an effort led by legal experts in the European Union and the United States. A comparision of the two versions appears to support...

Palestine Loves Saddam. The Palestinian Press Identifies with Iraq in Cartoons

I. Introduction When four U.S. soldiers were killed by an Iraqi suicide bomber, the Palestinian Authority decided it was time to act. The PA renamed the center of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West...