Bashing Israel by Moshe Zimmermann and Moshe Zuckermann Disguised as Academics

Hebrew University German History Prof. Emeritus Moshe Zimmermann and Tel Aviv University Sociologist Prof. Emeritus Moshe Zuckermann have been very busy lately. First, their book Thinking Germany was published in Hebrew and German earlier this year. The book...

Arafat From Defender to Dictator. Part one of book summary

Arafat: From Defender to Dictator by Said Aburish Bloomsbury Publishers, London, 1998 Born August 24, 1929 in Cairo. Named Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al Qudua Al Husseini.(Muhammed Abdel Rahman-first name, Abdel Raouf - father's name,...

CAMP JIHAD”: NEW FILM SHOWS PALESTINIAN KIDS TRAINED FOR WAR IN UNRWA REFUGEE CAMPS,... A new film directed by David Bedein, a special correspondent for the Wininpeg Jewish Review shows that Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) are being...

It ain’t necessarily so

If you were to believe the unbelievable hype surrounding the visit to Israel of President Joe Biden, you would think that the messianic age had finally arrived. From the frenzied froth of media pontificators to...

Arafat’s Investments

December 22 (Bloomberg) -- In 35 years as Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat raised billions of dollars. He spent the fortune to wield power, to pay militants who attacked Israel and to invest in the...

The Dangers of Syria’s Bio-Warfare Complex Should Assad Fall: An Interview with Dr. Jill... The control of Syria’s unconventional chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction are of vital concern in a troubled Middle East should the Assad regime fall to Sunni supremacist opposition forces. An Algemeiner article...

Trump’s Deal of the Century – the View from the Judean Hills

Israel was the focal point of US news last week with the ceremonial presentation of what President Trump calls 'the Deal of the Century'. And a good deal it is, notwithstanding some major pitfalls such...

Hebron Community Spokesman Noam Arnon?

IMRA interviewed Noam Arnon, Spokesman for the Hebron Jewish Community, in Hebrew, on March 15, 1998: IMRA: Is the IDF doing anything in reaction to the Palestinian rioters and shooters? Arnon: The IDF soldiers on the...

Official Fatah Website: No Compromise

Official Fatah Editorial reiterates hard line on Jerusalem and refugees -- Intifada should accompany any future negotiations to enhance the position of the Palestinian negotiators Towards a Comprehensive National Dialogue It was natural for the PNA...