The Israeli WASP Factor

Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu was reelected as party head with 73% of the vote. Netanyahu, who has served as Deputy Foreign Minister, Foreign Minister, Finance Minister and Prime Minister of Israel, beat off a...

Darwish Engagement Canceled At Princeton

Jerusalem - For more than a generation, people who follow the Arab-Israeli War wonder if articulate Arab spokespeople will emerge to express genuine recognition of Israel, with a clear and unambiguous desire for peace. Seven...

The Mossad’s female spies: Flirting for Israel (& MSNBC: Israel is a “prisoner’s paradise”) The new stamp jointly issued by Nepal and Israel depicting the lowest and highest points on the planet * Meditation rooms, dance and art lessons, petting zoos, computer centers, university degrees, advanced dental treatment, fish...

Benjamin Netanyahu in a special conversation with Peter Robinson

Benjamin Netanyahu in a special conversation with Peter Robinson

Israel Judicial Reform Crisis

JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman sorts out the details of Israel's Judicial Reform Crisis. What are the reforms? Why are there protests? Why are there counter-protests? Will embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be...

Pat Robertson Interviews Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu felt the brunt of White House pressure Tuesday, being treated to what might be described as "snub diplomacy." The Israeli leader was not accorded the usual diplomatic courtesies often...

UN Textbooks for Palestinian Children “Explosively Anti-Semitic, Anti-American and Anti-Israeli” explosively-anti-semitic-anti-american-and-anti Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), chairman of the House subcommittee on Human Rights and co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, told that U.S. donations to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency...

Palestinian Historian Adel Manna Cherry-Picking’s book Nakba and Survival

27.04.23 Editorial Note On May 3, the Institute for Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, is holding a conference, “Encounters” Aftermaths annual series, on Zoom, together with the Avraham Harman Research...

Saudi Normalization Does Not Mean Peace Saudi Arabia is the king pin of  the Arab League of Nations, whose charter, adopted in 1945, calls for the liquidation of the Jews in Palestine. Notably, the Arab League of Nations  launched total war on...

UN teach Palestinian children to hate and kill Jews