ARCHIVES: Weekly Commentary: Hasbara dropping the ball – the illegal rockets Mahmoud Abbas: "stressing the new government’s commitment to the obligations of the Palestinian Authority and all previously signed agreements".) Today we are being bombarded by rockets whose very existence in the Gaza Strip represents...

Parashas Masei 5774. Glad Not to Be Prime Minister Netanyahu; Miracles All Around Glad not to be Prime Minister Netanyahu I am convinced that Israel had no choice but to undertake a major ground operation into the Gaza Strip, and that the time has never been so propitious...

MODEL LETTER follow up questions after the murder in Ariel

May 1, 2022 Inquiry to the Prime Minister of Israel. MEDIA@PMO.GOV.IL Following yet another murder of a Jew by a "lone gunman"- this time in Ariel- will the PM demand that that Abbas and the PA...

Ofer Cassif’s Objection to the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism Adopted by Israel

After a long delay, the Israeli Knesset adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism. As IAM reported, the Working Definition was initiated in 2005 and officially adopted by the IHRA planetary session in 2016. The document...

Time for the United Nations to Stop Funding Hate Groups

The world has long had a keen interest in and focus on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Part of this focus, for so many years, has been an unfair, microscopic attention to Israel's actions and relationship...

Your Tax Dollars Are Being Used to Teach Hate | Opinion

Public funds in Western democracies could not be used to pay for teachers calling for violence and terrorism, lauding Nazi leaders, or promoting antisemitism at home. And yet, they are currently being used toward...

Urge California Legislative Jewish Caucus to Clarify Status of Ethnic Studies Bill and Help...

Despite “guardrail” amendments that were added to the California ethnic studies high school graduation requirement bill (AB 101) to ensure that required classes would not promote “bias, bigotry and discrimination,” since the bill’s passage in...

Cash flow: 16 years of Qatari money to Hamas has created a monster

In Israel, Qatar has been identified for years, and certainly after the murderous attack of October 7th, as belonging to the axis of evil. This follows the aid it provides to the terrorist organization...

Einat Wilf: Without UNRWA there would be no Hamas — it must be dismantled

Canada’s temporary suspension of its financing of UNRWA over charges that some of UNRWA’s members participated in the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel should be made permanent. That UNRWA has created the ideal...