A Rabbi who Marched from Selma to Montgomery Recalls the Moral Message of Dr....

This week, 40 years after the murder of a Black man, James Chaney, and two Jewish civil rights workers Andrew Goodman and James Schwerner in Philadelphia, Missisipi, the man who masterminded those murders was...

Arab Spring: the revolution has only just begun

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/8980784 /Arab-Spring-the-revolution-has-only-just-begun.html This year, the certitudes of the old Middle East dissolved with unseemly haste. A regional order frozen in place since the death of Egypt’s Colonel Nasser 40 years ago finally thawed. It produced a...


On April 22, 2021, The Jerusalem Post ran a feature, entitled "Challenging the Occupation", declaring as a "fact", not as an opinion, that Jewish civilian communities and the IDF conduct a policy to ethnically...

Interview with Israel Government Press Office Director Daniel Seaman

...Danny Seaman knows exactly why the State of Israel looks so bad on television screens around the world. "At the direct instruction of the Palestinian Authority," explains the director of the Government Press Office (GPO),...

Undue and unlawful interference of the International Court of Justice in the Hague in...

Summary: The Court's stated opinion is an undue interference in core issues of Zionism and Judaism. This opinion is based on loose facts and loose logic. It represents a malignant inability to distinguish between...

Unveiling The Unratified: The Swift Demise Of The PLO-Israel Peace Endeavor

As the world reminisces about the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Peace Process, an exploration into the less-talked-about aspects of the initiative reveals a story that diverges from conventional narratives. Three decades ago, on September...

Is Torture ‘Reasonable’ In The Eyes Of Israel’s Supreme Court?

Last week, the Israeli Supreme Court began its discussion of the government’s recent legislation of an update to the “Basic Law: Judiciary” that cancels the reasonableness clause. This clause allows the court to overturn...

Ring of fire

This tectonic belt of volcanoes and earthquakes has the potential to cause lethal upheavals at any given moment. Its destructive possibilities have been known for quite some time. In addition there is no way of...

‘Deceit of an Ally’: Former NSA Official Claims US Knew Arabs Would Attack Israel...

An American-Israeli who worked for the U.S. National Security Agency more than 50 years ago claims that American intelligence agents knew – beyond a shadow of a doubt – that Egypt and Syria were going to...

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

Evans & Novak Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Aired November 29, 1997 - 5:30 p.m. ET Rowland Evans, CNN host: I'm Rowland Evans. Robert Novak and I will question one of America's most influential and most...