Duke University’s Public Relations for Terrorism

What I am about to describe here will no doubt shock many Americans, especially American Jews. It concerns my three days spent undercover at the Palestine Solidarity Movement Conference at Duke University. To attend...

Position Paper: The Return of Palestinian Refugees to the State of Israel

Executive Summary Introduction The return of Palestinian refugees and their descendents to the State of Israel is one of the most difficult issues facing the parties as they seek to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to the Palestinians,...

Are Israel’s leaders waiting for dead children in Sderot?

Narrative tradition dictates that an incendiary balloon prepared in the first act will always explode in the third. So the question is not where one of the bomb balloons sent from Gaza will explode,...

Ten Obstacles to Middle East Peace

1. November 2, 2009 marked the 92nd anniversary of Balfour day, which led to the 1922 San Remo Treaty and to the 1924 League of Nations ratification of the San Remo Treaty, which recognized...

Op-Ed: Israel should arm the Kurds

In recent days, the US administration has increasingly been putting pressure on the Kurds to back away from the Kurdistan Independence Referendum.  They are seeking for the Iraqi Supreme Court to declare that the...

Realizing the gains of the Six Day War

The Existential Danger US Ambassador David Friedman’s recently released comments about the Deal of the Century peace plan (from his February speech at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) were quite a revelation. As one...

US training and arming 5,000 Palestinian Authority troops in Jordan

The Biden administration is currently training and arming several thousand Palestinian Authority troops, commentator Carolyn Glick has recently denounced. As reported in The Media Line, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and Axios, a recent joint security summit...

When Mark Twain visited Joseph’s Tomb

Excerpt: "Innocents Abroad" by Mark Twain EXCURSION TO THE HOLY LAND, EGYPT, THE CRIMEA, GREECE, AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS OF INTEREST. BROOKLYN, February 1st, 1867: CHAPTER XLVII. Joseph became rich, distinguished, powerful -- as the Bible expresses it,...

It Happened Again:More East Jerusalem Arabs Tell Me that They Prefer Israel Over the...

Pollsters Yaacob Shamir and Khalil Shakiki Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Carob juice vendor outside Damascus Gate, Old City, East Jerusalem. (Note: the person in this photo was not interviewed.) Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Shopkeeper in East Jerusalem's Arab...

The “Two-State Delusion” I: Who Wants a “Two-State Solution”?

Following the U.S. lead, the near universal consensus appears to be that the Arab-Israel conflict can be resolved only by the establishment of a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and...