Syria: The Empire Strikes Back By “My opponent’s reasoning reminds me of the who, being asked on what the world stood, replied, `On a tortoise.’ But on what does the tortoise stand? `On another tortoise....There are tortoises all...

Getting rid of Bashar Assad won’t end Syria’s civil war To hear Obama administration officials talk about the Syrian civil war, you'd think it all hinges on the fate of one man. According to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Syrian President Bashar Assad "calculated...

Israel Worries Over Assad Offensive

Israel has been concerned that Syrian President Bashar Assad would defeat Sunni rebels over the next few months. Israel's intelligence community is closely following the Assad offensive against Sunni rebels in the spring of 2013....

46 years of “no”,7340,L-4389460,00.html At the end of August 1967, shortly after the Six Day War, the heads of Arab states held a special conference in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, where the three famous "Nos" were decided on:...

What Will Happen Now with U.S. Middle East Policy? Turkish Reader: Haven’t you understood yet that the US does not care about whether a Muslim country is ruled by Sharia or by secular law as long as that regime is pro-American?...

Opinion: A political fatwa against nuclear weapons Sometimes there isn’t much difference between politicians and clergymen. The art of speech is their profession. They can justify or evade issues with their eloquence. The Iranian regime is currently saying that it does...

Islamist or Nationalist: Who is Egypt’s Mysterious New Pharaoh? Egypt's new de facto pharaoh, General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, is a man of mystery. Is he an Islamist, or a nationalist? Is he a person of high principle, or a lowly opportunist? And in a...

Nuclear non-proliferation expert: Iran and the US have a one-year deadline London, Asharq Al-Awsat-As Iran and the six world powers known as the P5+1 prepare for another meeting on the country’s controversial nuclear program, signs are emerging that progress towards an agreement over the issue...

Kerry’s Antagonism Unmasked EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: John Kerry has abandoned America’s honest broker stance in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. His warnings about the coming isolation of Israel and of a third Intifada - unless Israel quickly allows the emergence of...

The anti-Israel campaign in Germany Omar Barghouti is a busy man, crisscrossing Europe and North America to shore up support for his worldwide campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. While the rest of the Middle East is up...