Norwegian Government Ready to Endorse Hamas regime That Promises to Continue the War to...

This article was written by reporter Samuel Sokol: Jerusalem- The foreign ministry of Norway has sponsored an endorsement of Hamas' "hudna" The unofficial endorsement came in the form of a research paper published by the Norwegian...

How The Palestinian Authority Fights Corruption The Palestinian Authority government has also warned Palestinian journalists against helping Western correspondents cover the crackdown. If Abu Rihan were a Chinese dissident imprisoned in Beijing, his case would have been endorsed by human...

The Muslim Brotherhood and Washington: Courtship and Its Discontents Middle East Media Monitor is an FPRI E-Note series, designed to review once a month a current topic from the perspective of the foreign language press. These articles will focus on providing FPRI’s readership...

Palestinian news agency more even handed than BTselem? Report on incident cites Israeli explanation... "When the commander of the force arrived at the scene he was brutally attacked by one of the Palestinians, an incident which doesn't appear in the video," the military said in a statement. Video: Israeli...

Changing the rules of the game

In the years 2002-2003 the GSS, the IDF Intelligence Branch (mainly the 8200 unit) and the Air Force conducted Operation Anemone, which targeted Hamas’s leaders. Yesterday’s attack on Ahmed Jaabari and the attempts to...

Fatal Flaws in the Reliance upon International Guarantees When an earlier Secretary of State before Hillary Clinton, namely Condoleezza Rice, arrived several times in Jerusalem she pressured the then weak and embattled Israeli government of Ehud Olmert into continuing the dreary and...

Media should use ceasefire to reflect on double standards The mobilisation of Israeli forces around Gaza this week was strikingly reminiscent of the British and American build-up of troops along the Kuwait and Iraq borders before Operation Desert Storm, the massive armoured counter-attack...

Egypt’s New Constitution: Laying the Basis for an Islamist, Sharia State ) On November 30, a Constituent Assembly consisting almost 100 percent of Islamists voted to approve the draft of Egypt’s new Constitution. The next day, President Muhammad Mursi ordered that a referendum be held...

REESA COHEN STONE ON ISRAELI ELECTIONS: WIN OR LOSE IT’S HOW THEY DON’T PLAY... "Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates." Gore Vidal About 10 days ago, my daughter spent a day in Jerusalem with some cousins...

Reports: Blast at Suspected Hizbullah Weapons Depot in the South An explosion at a suspected Hizbullah munitions depot shook the outskirts of the southern town of Tairharfa at dawn Monday, causing material damage only, media reports said. According to the reports, the blast went of...