Hezbollah training Shiite fighters in Syria – Source

http://www.asharq-e.com/news.asp?section=1&id=32500 Beirut/London, Asharq Al-Awsat - Syrian Shiite sources confirmed to Asharq Al Awsat that Hezbollah and Iran are intervening in the Syrian crisis in order to “protect” Shiite towns, villages and religious shrines against the...

UN Chief Says “Not responsible” for Official Who Blamed Boston Attacks on US &...

http://www.unwatch.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=bdKKISNqEmG&b=1316871&ct=13090259 April 23, 2013 - UN chief Ban Ki-moon has rejected calls to condemn a top UN human rights official who blamed the Boston terror attacks on “American global domination” and “Tel Aviv.” In a letter...

Marathons and Media Bias in the West Bank

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2013/04/24/marathons-and-media-bias-in-the-west-bank/ When the news broke last week that Israel had prevented Gazan runners from participating in the West Bank’s first marathon, my initial reaction was to wonder why Israel had done something so stupid. Granted,...

46 years after reunification, Jerusalem is on the up

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=9131 The Jewish nation's DNA Jerusalem, my friends, is the greatest, most justified Israeli settlement there ever has been and ever will be. When celebrating Jerusalem Day tomorrow, we ought to leave discussions about "demographics," "security...

Israel’s Two-state “Solution” Pyrrhic Victory

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/13256#.UYrlwRXn_IW In 280-279 BCE, Greek King Pyrrhus' army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at Heraclea and at Asculum. King Pyrrhus soon lost the war against the Romans. The term "Pyrrhic Victory" describes situations...

Choose your enemy: Assad or Israel?

http://english.alarabiya.net/en/views/news/middle-east/2013/05/06/Choose-your-enemy-Assad-or-Israel-.html There is no need to support either. When Israel attacks the Syrian regime, it does so because it aims to defend its security and interests. And the same goes for us when we were happy...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=661&sec=1&title=SENIOR_FATAH_MEMBER_RAJOUB_SUGGESTS_PA_GET_CLOSER_TO_IRAN I met Jabril Rajoub, senior Fatah member five years ago in Jerusalem which is why last week's news item on May 1 about Rajoub caught my attention. According to Iran’s IRNA news agency, Rajoub...

The Arab League and peace, after 68 years

http://www.meforum.org/3715/arab-league-peace The disconnect between the past and the present in the Middle East is growing fast. Consider the anachronism called the Arab League. In December, after an "emergency meeting" called by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, Arab...

Israel-Egypt: Peace treaty not peace

http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/97725/Egypt/Politics-/IsraelEg=ypt-Peace-treaty-not-peace.aspx An independent economic source, who asked to remain anonymous, told Ahram Online this week that as part of a plan to deal with severe energy shortages, “which might lead to electricity cuts of over...

“Moderate” Fatah Also Firing Rockets

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4396/fatah-rockets Fatah has several hundred militiamen in the Gaza Strip, some of whom are members of the Palestinian Authority security forces, who continue to receive their salaries from Western governments. At least two Fatah armed groups...