The Israeli companies that earned $60 million working with UNRWA

Twenty-five Israeli companies conducted direct transactions with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) from 2020-2023, bringing in around $60 million. Some of them continued to have commercial dealings with...

Bad mouthing then and now

We have just read the portion of the Torah which describes the episode of the twelve spies and the repercussions which ensued following their devastating reports about the Promised Land. I researched some synonyms for...

Israel and Jordan sign joint declaration to preserve the Jordan River

Israel and Jordan have agreed to cooperate on restoration, ecological rehabilitation and sustainable development of the Jordan River. The nations signed a joint declaration at the COP27 environmental conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where they...

Ending the Perpetual Epidemiological Disaster of the Hamas Ideology

As a doctor who spent a lifetime of work in epidemiology and environmental medicine, I have extensive experience thinking about how external factors drive public health outcomes – preventable disease and premature death. I have...

A Letter to the World from Jerusalem, 1969

Eliezer Whartman has a few things he needs to get off his chest.  

Recipes for chaos

Definition: “mixture of people and events that will lead to disorder, confusion and trouble.” This more than adequately sums up the situations which confront us now and in the immediate future. Whether it is the dysfunctional...

Mahmoud Abbas und der Terror der Hamas

Die Kommentare von PA-Präsident Abbas gegenüber palästinensischen Medien enthielten kein einziges Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung, sehr wohl aber die Zusage von lebenslangen Renten an die Familien der Terroristen. Die Ereignisse der vergangenen zwei...

David Bedein wishes all of our readers a Happy Israel Independence Day

David Bedein wishes all of our readers a Happy Israel Independence Day

Watch: Wounded City of David Hero Returns to the Kotel

Nadav Weinberg, the heroic IDF officer who was seriously wounded in the City of David terror attack in January, yet still managed to keep fighting and neutralize the terrorist, was released from the hospital. Ar...

A mother’s courage: Renana’s 12-hour journey to bring her kidnapped sons home

I recently returned from a 12-hour personal impact visit to New York, where I accompanied Renana Gome, a mother whose two sons were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists into Gaza. It has now been a month...