The role of UNRWA in preparing their students for war

Following our center’s March 13 presentation at the British Parliament concerning UNRWA education, Sir Peter Luff, MP for Mid Worcestershire, asked for evidence that would support our center's finding that UNRWA is preparing its...

Will Olmert Team Ignore the Quartet Double Cross – with US support?

"The Quartet welcomed the efforts of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to form a government of national unity, in the hope that the platform of such a government would reflect Quartet principles and allow for...

OIL, CELL PHONES AND MOUNTAIN JEWS:WHAT FUELS AZERBAIJAN’S GOOD RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL? Farid Shafiyev, Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Canada. Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Rhonda Spivak Azerbaijan, a country made up mostly of Shiite Muslims, with only 25,000 Jews, has some rather large and powerful neighbors-- Russia to the north and...

‘The Mental Preparation for Disengagement’ & its Aftermath in the Israel Defense Forces

Abstract "Our point of departure is that in principle removing a person from his dwelling place and forcibly moving him someplace else causes serious harm to his self-respect, his freedom, and his possessions. A person's...

Obama Administration Suppresses Talk of Muslim Persecutions Why is the U.S. downplaying or denying attacks against Christians? "What about the churches which were desecrated? Is this not blasphemy? Where is justice?" - Fr. James Channan OP, Director of The Peace Center, Lahore,...

The Five Ceasefires Since the Intifada Erupted

The "cease-fire" achieved in Gilo on August 29th is the fifth such agreement to be reached between Israel and the Palestinians since the eruption of the Intifada. Some of the agreements were bilateral, others...


Israel has begun considering the ramifications of Arab allies building their militaries with Western arms and technology. The Israel Army General Staff has determined that Israel could be threatened by Western-equipped armies along its border....