How B’Tselem is helping the ICC target Israel

The announcement by International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda that she was considering prosecuting IDF officers for war crimes was based on two assumptions: the first, that Israel perpetrates war crimes, and the second, that...

The World Should Know What He [KUNTAR] Did to My Family

Abu Abbas, the former head of a Palestinian terrorist group who was captured in Iraq on April 15, is infamous for masterminding the 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro. But there...

Full Letter Given to US Secretary of State by American Hospitalized by Bomb Victim

September 9, 1997 Dear Secretary Albright, As a United States citizen, I am deeply touched by your personal visit. By the grace of God, I was spared death, as a nail-filled bomb pierced most of my body With...

Middle East Studies in Upheaval

The troubled academic study of the Middle East and Islam by Americans is changing in fundamental ways. I offer some thoughts based on 42 years of personal observation: From Western offence to Islamic offence:...

Enemies on the Right and Left in Israel

It is indeed unfortunate that the GSS needs to protect the prime minister from criminals who apparently wish to harm him. But with all due respect to the habitually shocked, those who belong to...

U.N. Flotilla Probe: “Even If Bin Laden Himself Were on Ship, Israel’s Blockade Still...

NGO: U.N. Probe Ignored Evidence on Islamist Passengers’ Bid for ‘Martyrdom’ GENEVA, Sept. 28 - The U.N. commission into Israel’s May 31 flotilla clash declared during a U.N. Human Rights Council debate today that “even...

Remembering Arthur Hertzberg; A Man of Inquiry

Rabbi Dr. Arthur Hertzberg was my teacher 36 years ago when he was a visiting professor at the Hebrew University, when he taught a seminar on "philosophy of Jewish history", and stayed in touch...

No Yellow Brick Road for Palestinian UN Bid

Will the recognition and creation of a Palestinian state by the United Nations Security Council magically end Mideast unrest? Can the UN fulfill the role of the Wizard of Oz and help ensure that...


Reuven Hazan, Prof. of Political Science, at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Photo by Rhonda Spivak. By Rhonda Spivak, May 13, 2010 "Israeli politics have been more pragmatic, and more consensual in the last three years than they have...

Justice Must be Delivered to Victims of the Maccabiah Bridge Disaster

Australian Jewish Community leaders strongly supported the victims of the Maccabiah Bridge Disaster at the dedication and naming of the Warren Zines Reserve on Sunday, July 25, 1999. In the presence of the Mayor and...