Former Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, President of U of Winnipeg, Initiates Programming to...

Howard Morry and Ab Freig photo by Rhonda Spivak Jim Carr, Osama Abu Zeid, Howard Morry and Ab Freig of the Arab Jewish Dialogue at the University of Winnipeg photo by Rhonda Spivak Osama Abu Zeid, who fought...

FIRST HAND ACCOUNT: A BALCONY WITH A VIEW: FIVE STAR LUXURY OVERLOOKS DEHEISHE PALESTINIAN... or The newer part of the back of the Jacir Palace hotel looks out onto UNWRA's Deheishe Palestinian Refugee Camp photo by Rhonda Spivak Photo taken near balcony to rooms that look out onto UNWRA...

DAGEN Newspaper in Norway Has Commissioned an Evaluation of New “Human Rights Curriculum” Published...

Dr. Arnon Groiss This week, the DAGEN newspaper from Norway commissioned an evaluation of the new “Human Rights Curriculum” that has recently been published in Arabic by UNRWA,the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the...

Islamic Supremacy Alive and Well in Ankara Supersessionism refers to the belief that Christians have superseded Jews in a new covenant with God. Islam, too, sees itself as superseding all previous divine revelation but, unlike Christianity, which canonized the Old Testament...

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration." -- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood The upheavals...

Israeli teacher recalls her kidnapped students On the morning of June 12, my heart was ripped out of my chest. It was the Friday that, as a teacher in Makor Chaim (“Source of Life”) yeshiva high school, I received a text message that...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides

(December 2019) Executive Summary This is the last in a series of four studies within an extensive research project that started in 2015 and aimed at checking the attitude of the Palestinian Authority (PA) curriculum to...

Israeli Policy Has Enabled and Encouraged Palestinian Violations of the Oslo Accords

Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has waged a campaign against Israel that has repeatedly, systematically, and intentionally violated its commitments under the Accords. The principal reason...


President George W. Bush now heads to Israel, with the express purpose of issuing a decree that his Secretary of State Rice will gladly enforce: to expel Jews from parts of Judea, Samaria and...

Interview With Hillel Neuer Of Un Watch On The Pa Un Bid, Unwra Reform,... INTERVIEW_WITH_HILLEL_NEUER_OF_UN_WATCH_ON_THE_PA_UN_BID, _UNWRA_REFORM,_RICHARD_FALK,_SYRIA_AND_MORE _ Editor's Note: Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN WATCH will be the guest speaker at the 2011 Annual Jewish Foundation of Manitobacs Luncheon on Wednesday Nov. 23, 2011 at the Faimont Hotel ....