Israel’s Slide to Dictatorship

A Word First What happens to a country when it slides toward dictatorship? The first thing to go is trust in the regime. That's when things get scary, particularly during times of tension. In this...

The ‘Gaza famine’ myth

It’s now quite clear that there are simply no facts at all—none—that will alter the fixed narrative of lies, distortions and blood libels with which the liberal internationalist order is demonizing and delegitimizing Israel. The...

Shameless in Gaza

Gaza is the most conservative of Palestinian communities; its Islamist militants once set fire to a sea-front hotel, a restaurant and other such dens of iniquity. So imagine the pious horror at the opening of...


In March, the acts of hostility reached their peak, and it seemed that the Ishuv (pre-state Jewish community) could no longer endure the blows inflicted by the Arabs. The irregular Palestinian forces controlled all...


Rev Majed El Shafie The Hilton Hotel in Taba where Rev. El Shafie stole a jet ski to escape to Israel Mohammed El Baradei Rev. Majed El Shafie: Opposes the West backing El-Baradei to replace Mubarak as...

Israel was hit by 5,000 Palestinian terror attacks in 2022. It has to defend...

Jalal Abukhater’s article (There’s no cycle of violence in Jerusalem – only Israel’s lethal oppression of my people, 7 February), published days after a Palestinian terrorist murdered seven innocent people at a synagogue in...

The Fall and Rise of Judah

Now it came about at that time that Judah was demoted by his brothers, and he turned away until to an Adulamite man, named Hirah. And there Judah saw the daughter of a merchant...

Israel Poisoning the Water with “Super Drink”

Analysis of the Palestinian media June 14, 2005 Voice of Palestine radio V.O.P. ran a long and rather strange item in the middle of the day in which aPA cabinet Minister warned about drinking "Super Drink"...

Norway, Israel and the Jews

JCPA seminar 19 November 2009 I asked myself what would have happened if I had to give a lecture on Norway, Switzerland and the Swiss in Norway. I looked in Google and I did not...