He returned to Jaffa and died

The story of Raad Hazem’s recent attack killing three Israelis serves as a perfect microcosm of our lives as Palestinians and our history living under occupation. Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Jenin refugee camp, Dizengoff Street, are all...


After the party is over, the hangover usually kicks in. Israel’s 75th birthday party had hardly finished when the usual domestic and foreign crowd surfaced to resume their well-orchestrated campaigns of deceit and denunciations. In fact, the...


October 2023 506 words David Bedein, Director The events of the past two weeks have vindicated my conclusion, after thirty-six years of scrutinizing PLO and UNRWA policies, that the PLO has fostered an ideology based on justifying...

Iran’s Threats to “Arm the West Bank” Must Be Taken Seriously

http://jcpa.org/irans-threats-must-be-taken-seriously/ Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced on August 24 that it had shot down an Israeli reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over its uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz (Esfahan Province). The Guards Corps...

Double double toil and trouble

The witches’ incantation from Macbeth succinctly describes the developing chaos now facing many citizens in various countries. As they stirred the boiling cauldron the opening stanza has an eerie echo for today’s current situation. “Double double...

The real (and awful) reason Biden is coming to Israel

Caroline Glick’s show IN FOCUS tackles the following issues in the wake of war with Hamas: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken returns to Israel while Israeli Defense Forces are amassed at the Gaza...

We have your back

As Brutus and his allies plunged their knives into Julius Caesar, they all declared, “We have your back.” How apt and appropriate this cynical declaration of false support seems these days as so-called friends and...

One year after the Palestine National Council met to cancel the PLO Covenant

The Middle East Forum, recently pioneered by New York immigrant to Israel, Dan Diker, held its first round table discussion on April 29, 1997 one year after the Palestine National Council met in a...

Assessments of the Middle East NewsLine

Welcome to Middle East Newsline, a defense news service by independent journalists with a real understanding of the region. Our correspondents gather information from Ankara, Athens, Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, London, Moscow, Nicosia, Ramallah and Washington...

A Vision From Safed

Today, the 17th of Tammuz, is the eighth yahrzeit of Archie Greenberg - Aharon ben Zalman z”l. As we begin to grieve on this day for the breach of the walls of Jerusalem, we...