Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak addresses the Chatham House think tank in London, March 27, 2023. Source: YouTube.

How Arafat saved Israel from Ehud Barak

On June 19, the Israel State Archives released material showing that during Dec. 2000 negotiations, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak was prepared to give up Israeli sovereignty over parts of the Old City of Jerusalem...

US abrogates the US-UNRWA accord

The US- UNRWA accord, signed by the US and UNRWA on July 14th, 2021was one of the most positive and constructive initiatives of US Middle East Foreign Policy US-UNRWA-Accord-reached-on-July-14th-2021-1.pdf For the first time, a major...

Brig. Gen. (res.) Aharon Levran

IMRA interviewed former senior intelligence officer Brig. Gen. (res.) Aharon Levran, in Hebrew, on December 14th. IMRA: The IDF's "security map" is now public and it shows a security area of three kilometers depth as...

Interview with Rabbi Arik Asherman, director of the RABBIS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS

Allan: Tell me a little about yourself. Asherman: Sure, my name is Rabbi Arik Asherman. I'm the executive director of Rabbi's for Human Rights. I also, on a part time basis am the Rabbi for...

An Open Letter to the Shefa Fund

The Directors of the Shefa Fund dispatched a letter this week, which deserves a ten point response and a solid offer to the Shefa Fund. Their letter appeared on the December 15th issue of...

One If by Land, and Two If by Sea* Another Hostile Flotilla Attacked Israel,...

Lebanon staging point. Sign says "Iran's Garden" (AP) There are remarkable similarities between the Mavi Marmara flotilla in May 2010 and the Nakba marches from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza on May 15. The Israeli intelligence services...

The medical war on Israel,7340,L-4153223,00.html Israel was excluded from the International Red Cross for half a century because of the Star of David. Questioned for having denied entry to the Jewish state, Cornelio Sommaruga, then-head of the International Committee...

Israel Did Everything it Could to Avoid Civilian Casualties Col. Richard Kemp CBE, is a former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan and one of the most highly decorated and respected officers in the British Army. He has spent 30 years of his...

Op-Ed: IDF Gen. Nitzan Alon, What Happened to Due Process? The media in Israel on August 18 devoted a day of news stories to the abuse of a “stun gun”, something like an electric cattle prod and known as a taser gun, in the...

Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein – A Text for the Jewish Council for... If you have not heard of, seen, or read the book, Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein, do so immediately. It is a remarkable piece of work and essential reading for all those involved...