Covering JFK’s Funeral for my school paper, at age 13.5

When you undergo a traumatic experience, especially at a young age, you remember details of that experience for the rest of your life. And so it was for so many on the day of the...

Take the next exit

The election GPS app has spoken but unfortunately, at this stage, the current driver is ignoring its instructions. Polling is over, counting of special votes is underway and all indications are that we have another...

When Did Historical Accuracy Stop Mattering?

Times of Israel editor David Horovitz and I do not always have the same political perspective. Nu? This is to be expected: Opinions vary. His writing is smooth and often insightful. Read full article,...

Weekly Commentary: Coalition To Make History Or Waste Opportunity?

For years Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been postponing many actions relating to Judea and Samaria as he waits for the perfect moment. It is said that a near death experience can change a person's...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (September 11-16, 2019)

This week, the return march was characterized by a relatively high level of violence. Many IEDs, grenades and Molotov cocktails were thrown at IDF forces. Palestinians attempted to damage the security fence and even...

Toss of the coin

Mercifully we are heading down the straight towards the finishing line on 17 September at which time citizens will need to make an informed decision as to which group of politicians will make up...

Media Advisory: No cease fire was reached in Gaza this week

As journalists cover the complexities of the Middle East reportage, news agencies often interpret a lull in hostilities as an "armistice" or a "cease-fire", which brings to mind to the agreement that led to...

Israel’s rights to the Golan Heights

The Golan Heights is a basaltic plateau region in the far northeast of Israel. Its average altitude is 900 m (3,000 ft.) above sea level.  At the north of the Heights is Mount Hermon,...

The 6th Palestinian BDS Campaign Conference, Held in al-Bireh: The decisions and their significance

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) held its sixth conference in al-Bireh (Ramallah) on March 16, 2019. 1 Present were Palestinian BDS campaign activists; representatives from the PLO, Fatah and the National Initiative Movement (a...