Out of the mouths of fools…writes Michael Kuttner

This week has witnessed a veritable army of fools articulating everything from baseless hatred to recycled lies. While nothing new as far as this phenomenon is concerned, the spouting of irrational nonsense was given a...

Wiesenthal Center reaction to riots in Jerusalem after Temple Mount killings

Against the backdrop of riots by Palestinians demanding removal of newly-installed metal detectors on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, necessitated by the murder of two Israeli Police by Arab terrorists, Simon Wiesenthal Center officials released the...

Palestinians’ Dilemma on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount: Opposing Israel or Each Other?

I spoke to several Fatah sources in east Jerusalem on July 17, 2017, as the “metal detector” crisis began to build, and their bottom-line is that they feel they are left alone to defend...

‘Utterly untruthful’ reporting slammed

VICTORIAN Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, who was in the Old City of Jerusalem last Friday when three terrorists killed two Israeli police officers, has slammed major news outlets for “fundamentally untruthful” reporting. Guy was in...

Israel’s sanitized report of Netanyahu-Abbas conversation makes Abbas look better

A comparison of the official Palestinian and official Israeli reports of the Netanyahu-Abbas conversation finds that the sanitized report issued by Israel puts Abbas in a far more favorable light than he deserves. As the...

Shalom-Namaste: Israel and India’s not-so-secret friendship

Modi’s visit is a way to appreciate old gestures and build on them. It was time the world saw the hugs and the handshakes. In Netanyahu’s words, “swagat hai,” welcome, to this new era. Much...

Yes – Netanyahu Relies on Pressure

Here is the scenario: Step #1 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu balks at doing "x" out of concern for international repercussions. Step #2: Either a coalition partner or senior Likud members cause a crises because "x" isn't...

Friends and neighbours…writes Michael Kuttner

New friendships consolidated, other “friends” lecturing us and our neighbours up to their usual tricks – all part of this week’s nonstop action. The visit of the Indian Prime Minister with a very large delegation...

“Eyeless in Gaza”, produced by Robert Magid

Review: July 5 Premier performance at the Begin Center in Jerusalem “Eyeless in Gaza”, focuses on the news coverage story of Israel-Hamas battle of 2014, providing a piercing assessment of western media’s portrayal of Israel. Magid...

Noam Bedein Dead Sea Presentation at the Knesset : July 12 

Since April 2016, I have been documenting by boat the treasures of the Dead Sea, gathering new dramatic geological phenomena and measuring the constantly receding water level. My mission is to share the incredible beauty...