Tumultuous Turmoil

The imminent advent of Ramadan will herald the annual orgy of anarchy, violence and vitriol. According to Wikipedia, Ramadan is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. While that holds...

Does the New PLO Entity Recognize Israel?

At a staff meeting in September 1993, our news agency, whose purpose it is to provide continuing factuql coverage for the foreign media, made a policy decision: to find out firsthand how the new...

Sharon’s Statement on Czechoslovakia: Background

On Thursday,German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer telephoned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Fischer was excited, and told Sharon: "I spoke with Bashar Assad. He told me that Syria has always been against terror. You have...

The State of the Communities of Gush Katif and Northern Gaza

Method of Research Key people (heads of community secretariats, spokespeople and community workers) were interviewed from almost every community in Gush Katif or northern Gaza to obtain this information. General assessments were cross-referenced with a...

The Man Who Inspired Hitler

The 27th day of Nissan year marks the day when the Warsaw Ghetto uprising began against the Nazis in 1943. The 27th of Nissan was therefore selected as Holocaust Remembrance and Heroism Day in Israel...

Parents Forum for Justice

Parents Forum for Justice ParentsForumForJustice.blogspot.com 1-201-256-1516 parents.forum.for.justice@gmail.com January 19, 2012 The Honorable Eric H. Holder Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice Robert F. Kennedy Building Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Attorney General: We the undersigned are parents whose children, all citizens of the...

Egypt, Hamas devise plan to secure borders, says report

http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/egypt-hamas-devise-plan-secure-borders-says-report Egyptian officials and senior figures in the Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip, have devised plans to preempt any attacks similar to the 5 August attack in Rafah which killed 16 Egyptian border...

The Jihad and Christopher Stephens, Pt. 1

http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2277/The-Jihad-and-Christopher-Stephens-Pt-1.aspx Christopher Stephens in Tripoli, June 2012 In analyzing the Benghazi scandal, it is crucial to highlight not only the dangers of relying on jihadist armed gangs for American security in Benghazi, but also the betrayal...

Israel’s Perilous Moment, Then and Now

A review of Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949 by Jeffrey Herf, Cambridge University Press, 500 pages (April 2022) On November 29th, Israel will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the...

Blowin’ in the wind

Readers of a certain vintage will remember this popular song released in 1963 and top of the hit parade for some time. One definition I came across explained that “blowing in the wind” means “to...