Hindu Rights Activist: “Israel should help the Bangladeshi minorities”

​The minorities in Bangladesh are in a dire predicament. According to Shipan Kumer Basu, head of the Hindu Struggle Committee, “The constitution of Bangladesh gave certain rights to the minorities of the country. Everyone...

How an earthquake in 1546 made the “Kotel” possible

There was no Kotel prior to the middle of 16th century. The area that we call the Western Wall is not the last remaining ruin of the Second Temple. The four retaining walls of...

The Flip Side of the Western Wall Crisis

The Israeli government’s decision on Sunday to freeze a much-touted compromise on the Western Wall, which would have created a non-Orthodox prayer space equal in status to the existing Orthodox area, sparked numerous warnings...

Ben Gurion feedback to the Reform Movement 47 years ago was prophetic

In 1970, during my first months in Israel, I lived with two fellows who were learning at HUC, the Hebrew Union College. They very much wanted to live in Israel. Yet they and their fellow Reform...

Jerusalem, one nation’s capital throughout history

Introduction Jerusalem and the Jewish people are so intertwined that telling the history of one is telling the history of the other. For more than 3,000 years, Jerusalem has played a central role in the...

Israelis Should Listen to Abbas – to Every Word

Ha'aretz's May 29 editorial was "Listen to Abbas." I want to join this call. Listen very carefully. Abbas is very careful to use the term "two states," but not "for two peoples." Because the...

Why Israel should recognize an independent Kurdistan

In the wake of Iranian aggression across the Middle East region, the most effective strategy that Israel can adopt to counter such a threat is to recognize an independent Kurdistan and to fully support...

Rewriting the Six Day War

A Dr. Gabriel Glickman analysis published this week by BESA, the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, criticized politicized historians and commentators having taken post-Six Day War statements, some of them carelessly worded, out of...

Embassy Relocation Delusion

A cloud of delusion has captured the minds of too many people and too many media outlets who did read the wording of The US Embassy Jerusalem in 1995 and Recognition Act nor the US Senate...

Cutting Edge Interview: War Indoctrination in the Palestinian Authority

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDsnYOHNk6g Martin Blackham talks with David Bedein, Writer, Investigative Journalist and Founder of The Israel Resource News Agency in particular regarding the issue of The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestinian Refugees In...