Earth Day 2023: Artist Reveals New 7-Year Dead Sea Time Lapse Photo & Exhibition...

April 16, 2023 Arad, Israel; in honor of Earth Day 2023 the Arad Cultural Center in cooperation with the Dead Sea Revival Project is opening a new photo exhibition “Water Levels” highlighting the dramatic...

Tomorrow, August 1, new book entitled “Nazis Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The...

Tomorrow, August 1, my new book entitled "Nazis Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War against Israel and the Aftershocks of WW II" will be available. You can buy it at the...

Strategic Affairs

Our center made a major presentation this week for three senior government officials from Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs.  David Bedein , our director, brought in four researchers who have spent their careers studying different...

From Shushan to Tehran

Haman of Shushan and Khomeini and Raisi of Tehran are comrades in arms bound together with the same evil agenda. The Megillah (Scroll of Esther), which we read on Purim, tells us that on the...

Al-Ahram Weekly: For the First Time, Egypt Admits Sinking the Dakar

Giving Chase to an "Enemy" Sub by Galal Nassar Al-Ahram Weekly 29th October - 4th November, 1998 Heading: A high military official confirmed in the presence of President Mubarak that the Egyptian navy was responsible for the...

Implementation of the Wye Agreement: Release of Palestinian Prisoners

Israel's release of ordinary criminal prisoners instead of security prisoners in the wake of the Wye Agreement has provoked anger among Palestinians. Those members of the Palestinian negotiating team charged with overseeing the prisoner...

Arafat’s “Kleptocracy” Revisted

Imagine former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, who plundered his company's assets before its demise, pleading poverty and then asking world leaders and financial institutions to help support the jobless employees and destitute pensioners of...

Bethlehem Churches Bear Brunt Of Religious Hatred: Final piece in Five Part Series

In certain parts of the Holy Land, you can't go too far without seeing a church. For centuries, millions of Christian pilgrims visited the Holy Land to pray in the holy houses of worship. Palestinian...

“We Need to Expose the Muhammad al-Dura Hoax”

Philippe Karsenty is the founder and president of Media-Ratings (, an online French media watchdog. In November 2004, he published an article entitled "Arlette Chabot and Charles Enderlin Must Be Fired Immediately," alleging that...

Interview with David Bedein: UN Teaches Jihad in Jerusalem

( The Palestinian Authority continues to incite young schoolchildren to armed struggle against Israel in its textbooks - textbooks that are used by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to teach incitement...