Iran vs. Israel: Who’s Making the Threats?

A speech by the Israeli defense minister sets the stage for a discussion of whether Jerusalem threatens Tehran or the other way around. Daniel Pipes debated Brian Becker of ANSWER Coalition. An excerpt from the...

Jerusalem: A city of tension and unity

Israel marks 48 years since the reunification of Jerusalem, and there is no going back • Despite the incidents of terrorism and violence depicted in the media, Jews and Arabs live and work together...

Jerusalem: Delusions of Division – Introduction

About the Book1 This book, which deals with the future of Jerusalem, was first published seven years ago with the title The Dangers of Division. After a wave of extreme Palestinian violence that centered on...

Using Bedouin issue as an anti-Israel propaganda tool

Op-ed: In a bid to present Israel as an enterprise of oppression, discrimination and expulsion, the coalition of incitement and deception is concealing the facts about the state's generous offer to Bedouin families in...

Israel is nothing short of a miracle

Ever since the Israelites made their way out of Egypt, the Jews have tended to complain, and we always will -- but let us take a look at the numbers • Where were we...

Blaming Bibi, Ignoring Abbas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come in for what the New York Times calls an “unusually forceful and public condemnation” by President Barack Obama for his pre-election statement on March 16 “that there...

Netanyahu: Iran deal will endanger Israel — big time

"A better deal is necessary. A better deal is possible. A better deal must and can be achieved. But if not, no deal is better than this bad deal," PM Benjamin Netanyahu says •...

A first-person account of the tragic earthquake in Nepal

It was Saturday morning, usually a quieter day at the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish center in Kathmandu, Nepal, when the ground began trembling beneath our feet. Running outside, I witnessed absolute destruction. Buildings crumbled in front of my eyes —...

US-Israel anti-tunnel project gets initial approval by Congress

'Iron Dome has saved countless civilian lives; an anti-tunneling defense shield will save countless more' The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday approved an amendment to the annual defense policy bill (NDAA) that would allow...
Image credit: ChameleonsEye /

Iranian Threat Forces Israel To Adopt New Strategy In Syria – IAF Attacks Syrian...

Image for representational purposes only. According to Arab media, the Israeli Air Force attacked several missile depots in Syria last week. Al-Arabiya reported that a first strike took place on Wednesday when two missile depots...