THE STORY OF THE VATICAN’S STRATEGIC HILL BETWEEN JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM CALLED TANTUR'S_STRATEGIC_HILL_BETWEEN_JERUSALEM_AND_BETHLEHEM_CALLED_TANTUR There's a hill just outside of Bethlehem called "Tantur" (which is Arabic for Hilltop) that is located in a very strategic position that I think will be a bone of contention between Israel and...

Arafat’s Death and Palestinian Incitement Against Israel Palestinians renewed their allegations that Israel was responsible for the "assassination" of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat. But a thorough reading of the Swiss scientists' report shows that their findings are inconclusive. Russian scientists who...

November 11, 2013: A Letter to Kerry from Alan Baker Alan Baker has a long and impressive list of credentials: He is an international lawyer; former Ambassador of Israel to Canada; member of the Levy Committee; Director, Institute for Contemporary Affairs, Jerusalem Center for...

Kerry: Stay home U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a return to Palestinian violence and Israel's isolation if the faltering peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians ultimately fail. This is a typical leftist Pavlovian...

Painful Anatomical Symptoms For those Yiddishly challenged this translates as a pain in the posterior. No doubt the diplomatic fraternity will be frantically trying to play this latest revelation down and bury it under the proverbial carpet...

Counter Tourism: Responding to Pro-Palestinian Protest and Solidarity Tours Visits to Efrat Since the early 1990s I have spoken with nearly 4,000, mostly non-Jewish, visitors to Efrat, a modern-Orthodox/religious-Zionist community of some 10,000 residents situated about halfway between Jerusalem and Hebron. I began...

A Letter from the Students for Justice in Palestine (among others) Several students from Students for Justice in Palestine have just written a letter to the university newspaper. They asked why Jewish students on campus weren’t open to a more moderate pro-two-state solution of the...

End Result of Israel-PA Talks Reached 8 Years Ago: Israel’s Secret Retreat Map There is a code of silence about what is being discussed in current Israeli Palestinian negotiations. However, possible disastrous results of those talks were reached almost nine years ago. In March, 2005, Yuli Edelstein, then...

Op-Ed: Shattered Dreams and Harsh Realities

It is uncanny to read the dreams about our country’s future expressed by 16 prominent Israelis in 1994, soon after the Oslo Accords - while knowing the harsh reality of how they were shattered one by...

Restoring Israel’s Rights: The Levy Report The Jewish people’s considerable rights to the land of Israel are founded upon several bases: Jews have been on the land for close to 4,000 years, most notably within eastern Jerusalem (where the Old City...