Different Definitions: What is Settlement Activity?

And After So Much Discussion in Israel as to "Who is a Jew", the Time Has Come to Ask: What is the Definition of "What is Settlement Activity"? by David S. Bedein, MSW US President Bill...

The Moral Imperative to Refuse an Immoral or Illegal Military Order in Israel

The statement of “Jewish Home” political leader Naftali Bennet about his refusal to carry out orders to demolidh Jewish or Arab communities must be placed in proper perspecrtive. Israelis one of the few nations which...

Why is the Shuafat Refugee Camp Seething?

At a time when the issue of Palestinian refugees surfaces on the agenda of the peace process, a visit to the one Palestinian refugee camp in Jerusalem can provide you with some understanding of...

We have returned to the Temple Mount: A survey of Jewish Presence on the...

F. M. LOEWENBERG is a professor emeritus at Bar-Ilan-University in Israel. He was born in Germany and now lives, together with his wife, in Efrat, a town 22 kilometers south of Jerusalem. At the...

Black September, The PLO’s attempt to take over Jordan in 1970

http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~samuel/september.html The nature of the Arab purpose in Palestine was illumined, was indeed dramatised, by the clash between the terrorist organisations and the Jordanian government that began September 1970. Not an ideological confrontation nor the...

Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians

Much has been made of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. Yet during their decades of dispersal, the Palestinians have experienced no less traumatic ordeals at the hands of their Arab brothers. As early as...

Bypassing the Suez Canal: Israel to Have China Construct The Eilat Railway

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2692&sec=1&title=Bypassing_the_Suez_Canal:_Israel_to_Have_China_Construct_The_Eilat_Railway The biggest piece of news that emerged from Israel this past week (July 3) is one you may have heard nothing about--but it is a game changer in terms of elevating Israel's economic/strategic position...

Palestine: the Real Apartheid State In the Making

"Palestine"is an apartheid state in the making. "Israel Apartheid" Week is the time to publicize that fact. During Israel Apartheid Week, orchestrated on campuses around the globe, the time has come to put the shoe on...

The Growth of Efrat – In Perspective

Thursday, February 19, 2009 News Item: "West Bank Settlement Gets Green Light for Major Expansion" -- Ha'aretz, February 16, 2009 Efrat - That headline above now echoes around the world. Criticism from Al Jazeera was...

What is the Basis of the Legal Status of Israel and the Settlements?

[Leaving aside the Divine allocation of the land to
the Jews, it was the determination of the 52 nations of the League of
Nations, based on their historic considerations, that the lands of the
Mandate of Palestine are to be set aside for a homeland for the Jewish
people. The Mandate specifically gives the Jewish people the
continuing right to "unlimited close settlement" of its lands -- the
word "settlement" here is not a dirty word but the very right given
in the Mandate to the activity of building a Jewish homeland.

It is imperative that the rightness of the Jewish cause of building
its homeland be recognized lest Jews come to believe that they are
robbing someone else's national lands -- which is not the case.
Professor Shochetman addresses the misconceptions concerning these
issues as leveled at the time by a radical leftist know nothing. Read
the facts below - David Bedein]