What is the Basis of the Legal Status of Israel and the Settlements?

[Leaving aside the Divine allocation of the land to
the Jews, it was the determination of the 52 nations of the League of
Nations, based on their historic considerations, that the lands of the
Mandate of Palestine are to be set aside for a homeland for the Jewish
people. The Mandate specifically gives the Jewish people the
continuing right to "unlimited close settlement" of its lands -- the
word "settlement" here is not a dirty word but the very right given
in the Mandate to the activity of building a Jewish homeland.

It is imperative that the rightness of the Jewish cause of building
its homeland be recognized lest Jews come to believe that they are
robbing someone else's national lands -- which is not the case.
Professor Shochetman addresses the misconceptions concerning these
issues as leveled at the time by a radical leftist know nothing. Read
the facts below - David Bedein]

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The February 2005 Israel government approved retreat map that has never been...

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The Bombing at Mahane Yehudah and the Aftermath

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