Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish Israeli Arab Islamic Movement

IMRA interviewed Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish, leader of the Israeli Arab Islamic Movement, in Hebrew, on October 24th. The entire interview follows: IMRA: You made headlines with the story that Sheik Yassin was ready for...

U.S. Pledges $470 Million for Palestinian Refugee Relief

United Nations -- The United States is donating $70 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for its 1998 programs, according to an announcement made...

Fatah Website: Revolutionary Realism in the Balance

"Together with all Arab peoples, then, we must do our utmost to ensure that Netenyahu is not re-elected" The date that has been set for Israel's early elections, May 17, 1999, was not arrived at...

Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres: Oslo Process Cannot be Erased

The Oslo Process was a moral and a Jewish choice. The late Yitzhak Rabin and I went to Oslo for moral reasons: not because we had no choice, not out of weakness, but with...

Two Weeks of Incisive Commentary

February 21, 2008: Standing Strong Before returning to current news items, I would like to refer back to one of the themes of yesterday's posting, regarding the inability of some Israelis (some Jews) to defend...

A Point to Make at IAW: Number of Golan Heights Druze seeking Israeli citizenship... Something interesting has been happening in the Golan Heights in the last few months which pro-Israel advocates on campus ought to point ought when detracters launch Israel Apartheid Week on campuses throughout North America,...

Analysis by Rachel Avraham: Donor Nations Must Reform UNRWA Jews are "the wolf"Photo Credit: Channel 2 Since Israel’s War of Independence, millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees have been living across the Middle East in the surrounding Arab host countries, especially in Jordan, Lebanon,...


Following publication of “The role of UNRWA in preparing their students for war” in the April 4th edition of Israel Resource Review, The UNRWA press spokesperson, Christopher Gunness, issued a statement that challenge to the...

On Middle East Visit, Pope Will Find a Diminished Christian Population In preparation for the pope's visit this weekend, a man cleans a church courtyard in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Thursday. Zuma Press. BETHLEHEM, West Bank-At the Church of the Nativity, triumphal banners...

Corruption Under Arafat: the Legislators Speak

Within the Palestinian Authority (PA) there is an office entitled General Control (GCO). In May it issued a report that included a startling claim: because of corruption $326 million, roughly one fourth of the...