The impotence of foreign forces On the morning of March 14, 2006, an agreement hatched by the United States and a number of European countries and which sprang from Israeli jails the killers of former minister Rehavam Ze'evi and...

The Palestinian Proletariat

British Prime Minister David Cameron recently called Gaza a “prison camp.” Former President Jimmy Carter has called it a “cage.” At first glance, these characterizations of the Hamas-ruled ­province seem like rhetorical excesses designed...

Does Rhetoric Replace Policy?

On the evening before the long-planned March 17 meeting with his counterpart in the Palestine Authority, PA justice minister Abu Medein, Israel Minister of Justice Tzachi HaNegbi talked tough, declaring to a cheering Likud...

PLO State to Include at Least All West Bank and Gaza

When permanent status negotiations begin, borders of the state of Palestine, including Jerusalem and all other territories occupied in 1967, will be determined by the terms of reference of the Oslo Agreement. the "peace of...

Official PA Radio News: Voice of Palestine January 25-26, 2001

Summary and Analysis Palestinian Authority reversed its one-day condemnation-of-terror policy Thursday night and Friday, following the shooting death of an Israeli civilian near the Atarot industrial zone in northern Jerusalem. The PA and its Voice of...

UN Dollars for Terror

Reading the material on the website for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), one gets a picture of "a relief and development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency...

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Disengagement, Iran, Syria, the PA, the US election and...

also included the clear statement that it is impossible to ignore the new realities on the ground - the large settlement blocs", when in fact Bush did not mention one word about "large...

AND THE WORLD LIES: The Anatomy of Refugeehood

Let us begin with a story. A well-known and familiar story. In a certain well-known and familiar country that was once under Ottoman rule lives a large Muslim minority. The relations between the majority...

Consequences of a sovereign Palestinian Arab state

At a time when a Palestinian Arab sovereign state is so widely discussed, very few have taken the time to consider the consequences of establishing such an entity. Here are questions that every citizen...

Deplorable Diplomacy and Duplicitous Diplomats

Well, it was unlikely that Rice, who was just here, would have readily walked away without further concessions from Israel for the sake of the "peace process." Some concessions, of some sort, from our...