Bush’s Letter to Sharon: With Commentary in Brackets

April 14, 2004 His Excellency Ariel Sharon Prime Minister of Israel Dear Mr. Prime Minister: Thank you for your letter setting out your disengagement plan. The United States remains hopeful and determined to find a way forward toward...

Is the Temple Mount in Danger?

The Moslem month of Ramadan is scheduled to begin in another three weeks, and hundreds of thousands of Moslems will throng to the Temple Mount, as every year, to attend the special prayers...

America Providing Palestinian Security Forces with Top Level Training

U.S. giving Palestinian security forces top-level training The United States has been training senior Palestinian security officials in an advanced officers course in Ramallah for top-brass, Haaretz has learned. The new course, entitled "senior leaders' course,"...

Refuting David Malovsky’s Comments in the Washington Post Concerning Palestinian Authority Education

In his recent article, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/23/AR2010082304204.html, David Makovsky writes: “The PA has begun reshaping the curriculum of Palestinian institutions that accredit imans, and screening is also being conducted to weed out school teachers who support Hamas...

Incisive Middle East News Analysis

"Anti-Semitism Today" Dr. Simcha Epstein made a presentation in the on-going series on post Holocaust Anti-Semitism sponsored by the Institute for Global Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Dr. Epstein, an author, teaches at...

Conference stresses Palestinian refugees’ right of return

http://www.petra.gov.jo/Public_News/Nws_NewsDetails.aspx? Site_Id=1&lang=2&NewsID=37756&CatID=13&Type=Home>ype=1 Cairo, July 14 (Petra)--Conference of Supervisors of Palestinian Affairs in Arab Host Countries stressed its strong rejection of unilateral Israeli policies as well as its support to rights of Palestinians, mainly the right of...

Palestinian Identity Theft

http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/11/palestinian_identity_theft.html Identity theft, in most jurisdictions, is a punishable offense. But in the United Nations, Palestinians are free -- indeed, encouraged -- to rob Israel of its history, heritage, and homeland. At times the United Nations...

Exposing the Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Charade

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/11/exposing-the-palestinian-refugee-charade/print On May 24th, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approved a resolution virtually certain to create a controversy in Washington, D.C. The Kirk Amendment, named after its drafter, Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL), authorizes the State...

June 6, 2013: Not Acceptable

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/ On May 16, I had written about plans to establish a new Palestinian Arab city near Jericho, reportedly to be called Nu'aimah, which would house tens of thousands of residents and require the transfer...

French Citizen Detained for ‘Spying’ on Jewish Community

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/173413#.UnGQeCcUZiI A French citizen was detained this afternoon for questioning (Wednesday) by civilian security guards on allegations of spying on Yitzhar residents in their homes. The unnamed man, who is suspected of taking unwanted photographs...