Official PA radio news – P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 30

Summary and Analysis In its Tuesday morning news broadcasts, VOP opened with news of a new Palestinian martyr, while reiterating news of the killing last night of an "Israeli settler," and VOP summed up the...

Official PA radio news – February 7th & 8th

The Palestinian toughened its tone Thursday morning following a cabinet meeting Wednesday night, signaling its demands that Israel-under a Sharon Government-- hold fast to all understandings reached with the Barak government as well as...

Even Palestinian crossword puzzles reject Israel

Question: What is the well-known port city of Palestine? If you answered "Gaza," you'd be wrong - it's Haifa, according to crossword puzzles that appear in Palestinian media sources routinely enjoyed by Palestinians of all...

What Econmic Aid Does Israel Continue to Provide the Palestinian Authority?

On December 20, 2001, UN official Terry Larson convened a press conference and accused Israel of massive economic neglect of the PAlestinian Authority. At the specific request of Israel Resource News Agency, the IDF spokesman's...

The View of UNRWA Refugee Camp Resident in Jordan: Right of Return…

The official Palestinian newspaper of the Palestinian Authority "A-Sabah" in its last internet issue (Mid-May) gives expression to calls by Palestinian refugees in Jordan for the destruction of the state of Israel. Following are excerpts...

Israel Allows Palestinians Take Up Arms: But why?

With Sharon's plan for disengagement drawing nearer, Israeli and international media continue to focus on the eminent problem of transferring Jewish residents of Katif/Gaza, paying with little or no attention to clause five of...

How to Defeat Hezbullah: Hold Syria Accountable

This war is unique in the history of Israel's wars. Contrary to other wars, the enemy on the other side of the border is not a state, it is an organization. Governments throughout the world, with...


Jerusalem, Israel; The newly elected British government will have a new challenges on its hands: How to cope with a credible intelligence reports which provde hard evidence that Great Britain provides a a safe...

Dr. Kedar replies to question: Small Homogeneous States Only Solution for Middle East –...

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: An IMRA reader raised the following question regarding Dr. Mordechai Kedar's recent article (repeated below): Do you see the members of small homogenous states that have the misfortune that they are...

Missing context for terror attacks in Eilat: Egypt demanded Israel cede Eilat in 2006 FOR__TERROR_ATTACKS_IN_EILAT:EGYPT_DEMANDED_ISRAEL_CEDE_EILAT_IN_2006 Much of the media missed the context of the attacks conducted Thursday morning, north of the Israeli port city of Eilat. These attacks may portend the genesis of the next stage of the Arab-Israeli war,...