Embracing the Land

http://www.uruknet.info/?colonna=m&p=79482&l=x&size=1&hd=0 Every morning he wakes up, prays, prepares tea, carries the old tea pot and a small glass and goes to check on his trees and plants. He wanders between the loquat tree and the...

Wilf to ambassadors: UNRWA an obstacle to peace

http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=256093 By REUTERS The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to the peace process, MK Einat Wilf (Independence) said at a meeting with 65 ambassadors and...

How Benzion Netanyahu Helped Put in the U.N. Charter A Clause That Could Yet...

http://www.nysun.com/foreign/how-benzion-netanyahu-helped-put-in-the-un/87809/ Benzion Netanyahu, who died Monday in Jerusalem at the age of 102, has been widely scrutinzed this week for his myriad contributions to the history of Zionism in Israel and the United States. Yet...

The Levy Report: Reinvigorating the Discussion of Israel’s Rights in the West Bank

http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives176.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Commission to Examine the Status of Building in Judea and Samaria (the "Levy report") has drawn a flurry of overwrought criticism due to its inclusion of a section concerning the lawfulness...

King Abdullah gets Rosh Hashana Gift: Signs Deal with Canadian Firm to Produce Oil...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2886&sec=2&title=King_Abdullah_gets_Rosh_Hashana_Gift:_Signs_Deal_with_Canadian_Firm_to_Produce_Oil_Shale:_Will_this_help_Stabilize_his_Kingdom It must be a tad frightening for King Abdullah to sit on his throne and look out at the developments that are englfing him in the Middle East. With neighboring Syria in a state...

U.S. Sends Soldiers To Jordan

The United States intends to send hundreds of troops to Jordan amid the civil war in neighboring Syria. Officials said the U.S. military has approved plans to deploy at least 200 soldiers in Jordan in...

Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like It’s 19[3]9

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/11/tonight-im-gonna-party-like-its-1939.html “The sky was all purpleThere were people runnin’ everywhere Oops out of time,Tryin’ to run from the destructionYou know I didn’t even care...So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 199.”-Prince, “1999” I have been working...

Hamas Chief Rantisi

Suicide attacks prevent massacres of Arabs. Israel's occupation of Palestine will end when the Arabs and Muslim world are strong. Excerpts from interview: "When Mr. Arafat kissed me, it was a routine kiss, not a political kiss",...

Making the Palestine Authority More Palatable for the Israeli Public to Swallow

On June 3, 1998, the US state department removed the PLO from the list of terrorist organizations. There was no response from the Israeli government. Indeed, Israel state radio reported the item only twice,...

Al-Ahram: Hamas/PA Relations, Bin Laden

Dead or Alive? by Tareq Hassan "Some PA officials were quoted as saying.... was much weaker than originally thought; "as scary as a cat", some said." Excerpts Palestinian police lifted tight restrictions imposed earlier this week on...