The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)

Summary and Analysis VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number...

Official Palestinian Radio Broadcasts on the Voice of Palestine: December 23-24

Summary and Analysis VOP led its broadcasts Saturday and Sunday with detailed denials by PA President Yasser Arafat that the PA was contemplating acceptance of a "trade of rights" regarding the questions of Jerusalem and...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 26. The...

Summary and Analysis Powell Welcomed with Threats Against the backdrop of the visit of Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Palestinian Authority renewed its demand that the United States take a greater role in Palestinian-Israeli talks...

A Dialogue with Yonatan Bassie, Administrator of the Sharon Plan

Yonatan Bassie, appointed by Ariel Sharon to set up the administrative office designed to implement Sharon's plan, invited his critics to meet with him. I took Bassie up on his offer, and was graciously received...

From Evil, Make Good

One-and-a-half million innocent individuals were murdered. Women were raped and children were tortured. The survivors are few, the pain is great. But even ninety years after the Armenian Genocide, in which Armenians were systematically...

Double Discrimination: Removal of Human Rights in Judea?

The request of the Israeli government for Israeli citizens to place a sticker on their car if they live in Judea was stated as a way to "ease the situation at the checkpoints" The only...

Official West Bank withdrawal panel commissioned by Israeli Foreign Minister Livni: No solution to...

The realignment committee set up to evaluate the idea of a unilateral withdrawal from most of the West Bank presented senior political officials with its report in which they raised legal, security and economic...


Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, has put out his weekly commentary. He calls it "Wake up call: Dumbo crashes in Gaza." The message, people think elephants can fly, but guess what? They can't. As...

Analysis: The Israel “Declaration Of Principles” offered to The PLO

On Monday, September 10th, 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in his office with Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party along with the...

Preventing a Terror State

The Bush administration and the Olmert government have determined that - in order to serve their perceived goals in the Middle East - a Fatah-led Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria....