The unique tragedy of the Palestinian refugees The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees. The films, pictures, slides and prints the organization has collected on the plight of the refugees will now be displayed...

When is Incitement “Incitement ? Soon after Adolph S. Ochs purchased The New York Times in 1896, he pledged “to write intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion.” His firm commitment was bolstered with a new motto for the...

Palestinian foreign minister: We will never recognize Jewish character of Israel Paris, Asharq Al-Awsat-Unsurprisingly, the latest round of talks between Israel and Palestine has been no less difficult than previous ones, with US Secretary of State John Kerry warning shortly before the talks began last...

Arabs No Longer Take Obama Administration Seriously The communiqué issued by Arab heads of state at the end of their summit in Kuwait this week shows that the Arab countries do not hold the Obama Administration in high regard or even...

After success in Iraq and Syria, ISIL will find it tougher to crack Jordan Lost in the flurry of rambling threats to Iraq’s Shiite community during its surprise military blitz last week, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) issued an even bolder statement: a call...

U.S. Deemed Conduit For Hamas Funds

Hamas was said to have employed the U.S. banking system for finances and donations. A trial in U.S. court heard allegations that the Arab Bank funneled millions of dollars through the American banking system and...

Ignoring Real Syrian Refugees to Support Fake Palestinian Ones I realize it’s been a busy week, what with ISIS beheading journalists, Russia invading Ukraine, and deadliest of all (to quote the inimitable Sultan Knish), Israel threatening to build new houses. But it’s nevertheless...

Indyk 13th December Remarks Following Meeting With Arafat

GAZA: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East Martin Indyk, on an introductory tour of various Mideast capitals, said President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright remain committed to moving the...

Weapons Were Smuggled for the Palestinian Authority

Senior Israeli security sources said yesterday that the Palestinian Authority was behind the attempted smuggling of dozens of weapons which was foiled by the Israeli Army on Friday near the northern part of the...

Israel Prepares for Trouble

Israel radio on Monday, July 13, reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met secretly with seven cabinet ministers for the third time on Sunday, to develop a "strategic policy" for dealing with the...