If Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound Collapses Israel is at Fault

Shortly after official Israeli warnings that Jewish terrorists are threatening to blow up Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Israel is again threatening to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan...

Is the Temple Mount in Danger?

The Moslem month of Ramadan is scheduled to begin in another three weeks, and hundreds of thousands of Moslems will throng to the Temple Mount, as every year, to attend the special prayers...

The Implications for Anti-Semitism World Wide

The United Nations has embarked on a dangerous path that could unleash an unprecedented campaign of State sponsored global anti-Semitism which needs to be swiftly denounced and halted in its tracks. This threatening prospect...

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Disengagement, Iran, Syria, the PA, the US election and...

also included the clear statement that it is impossible to ignore the new realities on the ground - the large settlement blocs", when in fact Bush did not mention one word about "large...

A Dialogue with Yonatan Bassie, Administrator of the Sharon Plan

Yonatan Bassie, appointed by Ariel Sharon to set up the administrative office designed to implement Sharon's plan, invited his critics to meet with him. I took Bassie up on his offer, and was graciously received...

False Hopes

One of the most striking aspects of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Gaza withdrawal initiative is how little time and energy he has spent explaining and selling his plan to the Israeli public. Both his...

UN Dollars for Terror

Reading the material on the website for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), one gets a picture of "a relief and development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency...

Frontpage Interview’s guest: Arlene Kushner, Author of New Book: “Disclosed: Inside the Palestinian Authority...

The book can be ordered from this site. FP: Ms. Kushner, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Kushner: Thank you, it's a pleasure to participate. FP: In Disclosed, you explore the inner workings of the Palestine Liberation Organization and...

“Demographic threat” Nonexistent

Yonatan Bassi, head of the disengagement administration, justified the pullout plan (in Globes, July 29) by saying that in Gaza, "there used to be 600,000 Arabs. Now there are 1.4 million people there... in...

Strange Twists in Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy

One of the most secretive and unusual rounds of Arab-Israeli diplomacy took place in the summer of 1998, when three private American citizens, businessman Ronald Lauder, his aide Allen Roth, and magazine publisher George...