The Big Split in the Revolutionary Islamist Movement: Sunni and Shia Blocs Emerge A development of huge importance is happening in the Middle East, equivalent perhaps to the Sino-Soviet conflict’s effect on the Cold War era: the division of revolutionary Islamists into separate Sunni and Shia camps. Of...

A Palestinian civil intifada The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) published its December 2011 report on Monday, contending that in 2016 Jews will become a minority between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the...

Showdown Brews Between Obama, Congress Over Accuracy of Count of Palestinian Arab Refugees A showdown is brewing in Washington over how the number of Palestinian Arab refugees is being counted, and it could be explosive. This is because numerical accuracy would undermine claims by the Palestinians that...

Attacking Israel Online Throughout the greater Middle East, opposition to the concept and existence of a Jewish state is an idée fixe for hundreds of millions of Arab and non-Arab Muslims. A hatred of Jewish political sovereignty...

The Role of Hamas in the Formation of Global Jihadi Networks in Sinai Vol. 12, No. 18 After the Rafah attack, it was noticeable that the Egyptian government refrained from condemning the terrorists’ plan to carry out a mass-casualty attack in Israel. Indeed, senior Muslim Brotherhood figures pointed...

Building in Jerusalem: A Strategic Imperative EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Despite mounting international pressure, Israel must follow up on its recent declaration to build in and around Jerusalem, particularly in Area E1, which connects the capital to the settlement of Maaleh Adumim....

WikiLeaks’ Insight Into Arafat Of the 1.7 million declassified State Department cables-some 700 million words long-that WikiLeaks put online this week as part of the Kissinger Cables, dating from 1973-1976, one records Maryland Sen. Charles “Mac” Mathias’ April...

Rival Clans Vying for Power in Jordan The recent violence at two universities in Southern Jordan, Mu'tah University and Al Hussein bin Talal, along with clashes taking place off campus, may in fact be a sign that much worse is about...

UNRWA Investigating Jordanian Official Who Quoted Hitler The United Nations’ refugee arm has launched an investigation into one of its top Jordanian officials after he posted on his Facebook page a “motivational” poster featuring Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Dr. Fares Haider, reportedly...

A Change in the Balance of Power in Syria: The “Bad against the... Between President Obama’s August 31, 2013 declaration on a retaliatory action against Syria and the abandonment of the attack option in exchange for dismantlement of Syria’s chemical weapons program, a dramatic change has taken...