The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Military Wing of Fatah, Is Officially Returning to Armed...

The official reestablishment of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades should serve as a red light regarding the validity of a future undertaking by Mahmoud Abbas to act against terror in the context of a political...

Qatar’s Rise and America’s Tortured Middle East Policy One of the most notable aspects of the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is the prominent role being played by the Emirate of Qatar in supporting the terrorist organization, whose genocidal...

Truce does not equal peace … writes Michael Kuttner One of the problems we face these days is the inability to recognise reality even when it smacks us in the face. Very few people expect politicians, especially those who manage to get themselves elected...

Worse and Worser

The truth: There is no entirely satisfactory resolution to our war with Hamas (the war that is not called a war). Aside, of course, from that “ultimate” resolution in which we would fully retake Gaza...

Israel Searches Hizbullah Tunnels

Israel, amid the war with the Gaza Strip, has directed its attention to locating tunnels from Lebanon. The Israel Defense Ministry has overseen a program to locate tunnels constructed by the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. They said Hizbullah was believed...

Norway Embraces Islamist Tyranny Anti-Semitism in Norway, where I have lived for twelve years, is over the top. I have never quite gotten used to it. Every now and then I hear or read something that reminds me...

Terrorism Trial of Mideast Bank Worries the Financial World{%222%22%3A%22RI%3A16%22&_r=1 Mark Sokolow, his wife, Rena Sokolow, and their daughter Jamie Sokolow Fenster were hurt in a 2002 bombing in Jerusalem. Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times It was a basic bank account at Arab Bank’s...

The battle of the Gaza tunnels,7340,L-4555677,00.html In July 2010, Yedioth Ahronoth planned to publish a comprehensive investigative report warning of a serious military problem, of which only a handful of experts were aware at the time: Hamas' terror tunnels. At the...

What Is to Be Done About Gaza? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Operation Protective Edge has not weakened or threatened Hamas enough to encourage them to accept a ceasefire. Israel has no choice but to continue to attack Hamas. Talks of reconquering Gaza are...

Winning a Lose/Lose War Once again neighboring enemies are warring in diametrically opposite ways. Hamas sees the death of its civilians as an advantage; Israel sees the death of its civilians as a disaster. Defensive missiles explode to save...