Israel’s New Neighbor Egypt: Radical Nationalist President; Islamist-Dominated Parliament

By Barry Rubin May 11, 2011 gloria/2011/05/egypt-radical- nationalist-president Amr Moussa, probably Egypt's next president, has given a comprehensive picture of his views, a foretaste of the likely policies of someone about to become the Arab world's...

U.S. Pledges $470 Million for Palestinian Refugee Relief

United Nations -- The United States is donating $70 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for its 1998 programs, according to an announcement made...

Preparing to fend off attack just another day for Israelis What does it feel like to be surrounded by countries intent on wiping you off the face of the map? How do you cope with daily incitement of hate, challenges to your legitimacy, threats...

A Message of Accounting for Israel in the New Year

Tomorrow night begins Rosh Hashana. This is a time of accounting. We are bidden to do a heshbon nefesh -- a spiritual accounting. As a people, as well, we must do that accounting. Now especially,...

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley – Graciously Allowing Israel to Defend...

Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Steve Hadley Crawford Middle School Crawford, Texas 9:00 A.M. CDT MR. HADLEY: Good morning. I'd be glad to answer any questions you folks have. Q Steve, how are you going...

Lebanon-What happened?

Part 1: Lebanon-What happened? Part I of this series will review the facts of what we know has happened and an analysis of the horrific catastrophe in Beirut on August 4 itself. Part II will...

Israelis Rally Against US Plan For Strategic Jordan Valley GIDRON OUTPOST, SARTABA RIDGE, JORDAN VALLEY - As US Secretary of State John Kerry finalizes proposals for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, rifts remain as vast as this strategic valley west of the Jordan River...

Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin: Between Israel and Hamas In recent weeks and months there has been a cacophony of Salafi protest that has swept Gaza against the ruling Hamas government related to treatment of prisoners, corruption, and ability to practice Islam as...

The Rhetoric of Nonsense For nearly two decades the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been denying Israel's right to exist, and a recent "Nakba Day" was no exception. In a Gaza speech on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas, his personal...

The Only Refugees in the World Denied the Right of Resettlement The news that hundreds of Palestinians from Gaza drowned last week when the boats in which they were trying to reach Europe sank once again highlights the hypocrisy of the world’s attitude toward the...