The medical war on Israel,7340,L-4153223,00.html Israel was excluded from the International Red Cross for half a century because of the Star of David. Questioned for having denied entry to the Jewish state, Cornelio Sommaruga, then-head of the International Committee...

The Risks to Regional Security from International Forces in Gaza

Jerusalem Issue Brief Institute for Contemporary Affairs founded jointly at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 7, No. 5 24 June 2007 * With the total collapse of Fatah in...

Interview with the Outgoing IDF Commander in Chief Shaul Mofaz

On Tuesday, Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz said goodbye to the Paratroopers Brigade. 36 years after reaching the brigade for the first time, he returned there for the last time. He landed at the...

Analysis: Reconsideration of Our Passion for PLO Statehood After Tisha B’av

The time has come to ask all those of us who had supported the concept of a Palestinian Arab state to recognize the error in our ways. The concept of ceding a sliver of the...

Analysis: President Obama on Fox News

President Obama was interviewed on Fox News yesterday. When asked if he thought the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt was a threat, he responded: "I think that the Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt. They don't...

Al-Ahram Weekly

Making Anti-Terrorism Global by Jailan Halawi Heading "Egypt's interior minister El-Adli seized the occasion of the Arab interior ministers' meeting in Amman to renew Egypt's call for an international conference on terrorism. The meeting, resolving to escalate...

The Israeli Elections

Bang! A starting gun shooting blanks. The candidates are off and running in the Israeli Knesset sweepstakes. Nine of them have taken the field thus far, on the track for would-be prime minister in Israel. Israel's...

The PLO: Aiming to Bring 300,000 Arab Refugees to the Galil

Arafat intends to plant in any agreement with Israel a fuse that will eventually blow it to pieces Settling the Galilee The way Arafat envisions it, the right of return will be realized by the approximately...

The End of the Beginning in Syria: The Obstacles to Reaching a Negotiated Settlement Following the recent downing of a Turkish reconnaissance jet by Syrian anti-aircraft, the international community, this time through NATO, is once again debating what course of action should be taken with respect to Syria....

September 17, 2014: Surreal

Much of what goes on in the world these days has a surreal quality.  But here’s a case that is sort of emblematic of a host of situations: “Syrian rebels linked to Al-Qaeda have seized...