November 15, 2012: Necessary Battle Current Postings November 15, 2012: Necessary Battle Yesterday, on its FaceBook page, the IDF put up the following message: “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in...

Hedegaard: “A man who is living under death threats does not fear Islam’s servile... Lars Hedegaard, executive editor of Dispatch International and co-founder Damish and International Free Press Societies. Lars Hedegaard, executive editor of DispatchInternational in Copenhagen, published an editorial today expressing outrage about the lack of police responses to...

ICSR Insight: Up to 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria; steep rise among Western Europeans Since ICSR published its first estimate in April, the issue of foreign fighters in Syria has become a major concern for Western governments. More reports have emerged since, though few have accurately gauged the...

A Conversation with Jonathan Pollard

Federal Correctional Institute, Butner, NC. Last Friday (March 21, 1997) a little after one o'clock in the afternoon, the side door of the visiting room at the prison opened, and through it walked prisoner number...

The Case of a Missing Children Part Three: The Empty Graves

ESHHAR, March 30, 1998, Root & Branch: Most parents whose children were kidnapped by hospital staff and infant care workers were told that their children died (with no death certificate or other proof of...

Executive Summary: The Report of the New Palestinian Authority School Books

Following is a summary of the findings of a survey conducted by the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace, of the new Palestinian Authority Textbooks. The findings were presented at a press conference held...

Documents Seized From Arafat’s Headquarters

On September 14, 1998, a figure who was anonymous at the time to most of the Israeli public, Marwan Barghouti, the Fatah secretary general on the West Bank, wrote a short memo to the...

Why would the PLO attack a Left Wing Kibbutz?

On November 12, 2002, a Fateh terorrist infiltrated the left wing Shomer HaTzair Kibbutz Metzer, which had made a name for itself in the Israeli peace movement and in Arab-Jewish dialogue. The Fatah terrorist murdered...

Shefa Fund Fights Charge of Aiding IDF Deserters: Bedein Responds

At a time of economic difficulties in Israel, it has now become a profitable enterprise to desert the IDF and to "refuse to serve". Now that is what we call a financial incentive for IDF...

Jordan Braces For ISIL

Jordan has bolstered security measures amid the threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant from neighboring Iraq and Syria. Officials said the military and intelligence community have been on alert for infiltration by...