The People of Sa-Nur

Sa Nur, Israel On July 4th, 2005, I step down from a bulletproof journalists' tour bus onto the controversial soil of Sa-nur, one of the four Shomron area settlements to be evacuated come mid-August. My...

Duke University’s Public Relations for Terrorism

What I am about to describe here will no doubt shock many Americans, especially American Jews. It concerns my three days spent undercover at the Palestine Solidarity Movement Conference at Duke University. To attend...

Letter of Complaint Filed Against the Americans for Peace Now

June 5, 2003 Commissioner Mark W. Everson Internal Revenue Service Washington, DC 20224 202-622-4115 RE: Request for injunction and investigation against Americans for Peace Now for illegally utilizing U.S. charitable contributions for matters of Israeli politics, violation of Internal...

The Two-State To Nowhere: Another Futile Attempt At Appeasement

Dr. Alex Grobman is a Hebrew University trained historian. His is the author of a number of books, including Nations United: How The UN Undermines Israel and The West and a forthcoming book on...

People in Pain

"Do you think it is psychosomatic?" I asked the doctor. "I have a persistent cough. Yes, I had had a high fever, but now it's this cough." "Your lungs are clear" the doctor said. "Take...

While Jerusalem Day Is Celebrated Above Ground, Archaeological Discoveries Reveal City’s Layers’s-layers/ Tens of thousands will visit the Old City on May 8 for Jerusalem Day, the anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War. While celebrations go on above ground,...

3,000 Foreign Jihadis to Terrorize Egyptian Opposition? The title of a recent Al Khabar News report declares: "Morsi summons 3,000 jihadis from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Somalia and Iran to be an Islamic army to strike the police and army forces" of...

The Right of Return: Through Conjugal Negotiatons

Ibrahim Idris was born in 1967, the year the city of his birth, Nablus, was conquered. In 1994, when the Palestinian Authority returned to the territories, Idris made a significant change in his life:...

The Secret Millions of Senior PA Officials

Even now, when the ground is burning and the future of the peace process is cloudy, senior PA officials find time to deal with the truly important things. The name of the game is...

U.S. Lifts Ban on Immigrants With Links to Terrorism Muslim Brotherhood affiliates scored a major victory in their efforts to degrade U.S. national security measures in early February 2014 when the Obama administration decided to override by fiat portions of the U.S. Criminal...